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Evolution is just a theory
by donny 33 Replies latest watchtower bible
Jon Preston
Hahahahaaahaa more talented and educated atheists please respond
Cold Steel
Evolution can be called whatever scientists want to call it. It is scientifically demonstrable that species come, they change, and they go, and for the most part I see no reason to cling on to every generation that's on its way out (something modern liberals are intent to prevent). That said, one can believe in evolution and religion, the latter by nature which is a matter of faith and is not provable. But when people cling to things that are demonstrably incorrect, such as a flat earth or a "young" earth, minds are a difficult thing to change.
On the religious side, Abraham was said to have been taught astronomy by the Lord and, in turn, he taught the early Egyptians. Most religionists don't pretend to know about science, but as one myself, I'm very much impressed by prophecy throughout the ages. I've also found, through sad experience, that atheism is very much a religion, and a very stubborn, evangelical, fundamentalist religion at that -- every bit as petty, vindictive, petulant and narrow minded at the most ardent fundamentalist Christian.
I've read numerous "near death" experiences and have even talked to those who have claimed to have them. I'm convinced, based on their characters, the similarities in their accounts and their stories that they've had very real out of the body experiences. For example, I know that when I dream, I don't see color or in 3D; conversations in dreams are fragmented and lack details. Under prescribed medications, in the past, I even suffered hallucinations (which I vividly recall). Nothing yet has compared to the accounts I've heard from people who maintain that when we die, we go to a place that's as real as the world we now inhabit. I can't prove their accounts are true, any more than I can prove the doctrines in the Bible. But I remain open to such things. And if it improves society, so much the better. Nothing I've seen in atheism makes people better, more intelliigent, more creative or even more educated. Men of God have made outstanding military officers, like Douglas MacArthur, Robert E. Lee and George Washington; historians, archeologists, astrophysicists, geologists, anthropologists, writers, presidents, educators, economists, philosophers, like C.E. Lewis, Augustine, Turtullian; spiritual leaders, neighbors and colleagues. Atheism has not made society more intelligent, more tolerant, more humane, nor has it improved science or even the way people vote.
Evolution, like the Trinity, is viewed so differently due to man's inability to arrive at common understanding. Many Christians can believe in evolution without believing that man came from apes. And I find nothing inherently bad in believing that man is, rather, the offspring of his creator and that the universe came about through intelligent design.
never a jw
Theory of relativity is just a theory, and, just as the theory of evolution, has been proven true time and time again. Religious fundamentalists, that is creationists, have convictons about creation that are disproven time and time again. Which do I keep? Far and away I keep the theory with proofs.
NOTE: Evolution has been proven to have happenned. How exactly? That's another story that is still being debated.
Cold Steel, you know nothing about evolution, or anything else for that matter.
Evolution does not teach we descended from apes. If you can't get this one simple point then your opinion is useless, you are making a fool out of yourself.
Cold steel, when you can define evolution THEN you can crowbar it into your belief systems.
Add to that "Atheism has not made society more intelligent, more tolerant, more humane, nor has it improved science or even the way people vote."
What on earth do any of these things have to do with the TRUTH of whether there is a god or not?
I certainly hope you are not claiming your religion has done these things? You need to show proof... because I have never seen evidence of it. Quite the opposite.
"There is evidence that within the U.S. strong disparities in religious belief versus acceptance of evolution are correlated with similarly varying rates of societal dysfunction, the strongly theistic, anti-evolution south and mid-west having markedly worse homicide, mortality, STD, youth pregnancy, marital and related problems than the northeast where societal conditions, secularization, and acceptance of evolution approach European norms."
"Indeed, the data examined in this study demonstrates that only the more secular, pro-evolution democracies have, for the first time in history, come closest to achieving practical “cultures of life” that feature low rates of lethal crime, juvenile-adult mortality, sex related dysfunction, and even abortion. The least theistic secular developed democracies such as Japan, France, and Scandinavia have been most successful in these regards. The non-religious, pro-evolution democracies contradict the dictum that a society cannot enjoy good conditions unless most citizens ardently believe in a moral creator. The widely held fear that a Godless citizenry must experience societal disaster is therefore refuted. Contradicting these conclusions requires demonstrating a positive link between theism and societal conditions in the first world with a similarly large body of data – a doubtful possibility in view of the observable trends."
2005, the Kripke Center Study “Cross-National Correlations of Quantifiable Societal Health with Popular Religiosity and Secularism in the Prosperous Democracies"
Why did you bring it up? Will you ignore evidence and facts again? Now YOU have brought it up...LOOK the evidence says you have been lied to AGAIN!
Willing to research it? Hopefully a little more seriously than your examination of evolution?
Or...after seeing the evidence above....will you claim everyone is out to get you and your belief system, just like the JW's said... it is persecution, it is satan the devil... it is the demons, it is the is the muslims? It is a conspiracy by people who dont want to serve or worship your god?
How about letting one go to the evidence.... your belief system CAN harm socierty, remember the dark ages? That was the same bible, same jesus, same god!
What about retracting your comments about atheism as it seems to be evidently untrue?
Refuse to do that.......ask yourself....why ?????
Cold Steel
LisaRose: Cold Steel, you know nothing about evolution, or anything else for that matter. Evolution does not teach we descended from apes. If you can't get this one simple point then your opinion is useless, you are making a fool out of yourself.
I suspect you're engaging in a bit of hyperbole there. I don't know a lot about evolution, granted, because I've never cared enough to really study it. But as Boss Tweed said of Thomas Nast's cartoons, "People don't know how to read, but they do understand them damn pictures!"
By the way, this is from a Bing search on "Evolution." I reckon a lot of folks must be confused about it. That thing on the far left sure looks like an ape to me, but I'm open to correction.
Cold Steel
SnareAndRacket: What on earth do any of these things have to do with the TRUTH of whether there is a god or not?
Nothing. Just that the world seems to be just as well off with religionists as atheists. Like I said, atheism is as much of a religion...cult, if you will, as any others. They go the gamut from tolerant and well behaved to rude and evengelical. That's all I was getting at. I'm completely openminded to evolution and don't feel that it closes the door on faith.
Put it this way cold steel.... if you think that photo is literal.... it isn't..... it is neither science or fact. It is a bing search result!
That picture is not what any scientist from Darwin on has EVER said, funny how christians believe it and have seen that phoyo everywhere.
Why are you so lazy about checking facts? Do you not want to know the answers? I don't comprehend someone who goesno further than typing into a search engine and assuming that is enough....
These are specialist topics, they require scientific literacy and significant understanding.... results from a search engine, produced by everyone and anyone is meaningless.
I think you are a troll, so I am tapping my tag team buddy, the ultimate warrior and hopping over the ropes....
Mr H Hogan
Jon Preston
Cold steel- you, mate, are stuck on thinking everything that tries to gain converts is a cult...mormons even say that christianity was and is a cult right?
Bit imagine if people could hold their ideas, and i stress IDEAS, without being told they are wrong...and if the are wrong, having concrete proof to show it but without discrimination. Or better yet, imagine a place where things are NOT viewed in religous biases or preconceived notions....for me, call it atheism, but it is the natural world that is testable and observable that i find fascinating. Hide behind your walls of religion while pretending to accept all people but for le agnostics and atheists are the most open minded individuals ive met....
its easy to say that your religion doesnt negate evolution...but ask yourself mate
and really read each line and verse of your bible....Does science and the universe and evolution negate Religion or me there are MANY holes!