A silly thought on freewill...

by new hope and happiness 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    This was mythought on " freewill" and made me think...i need " AiR" to breath..so how was i born with freewill?

  • snowbird

    You have the ability to not breathe air, also.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Not if i want to live " Snowbird"

  • snowbird


    We can choose to die - even before our time expires.

    Would you like to NOT have that freedom?

  • ballistic

    I think the reason some people struggle with the concept of free will is thatthere is more than one force in play;

    You have the inner animal which behaves and moves and drives according to instinct, and then you have an analytical mind which is able to logic and reason and this is driven both by memory and external sensory information. Then at some, level, there is interplay between the two which results in our actions.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness


    Snowbird...my point is freewill. The word fredom comes from christians who colud be " free" or be doomed by being thrown to the lions. Freedom and freewill are different messages.

  • Comatose

    Actually it's impossible to hold your breath till death. Air is required. Free will is a myth. obey me because you should or burn in hell forever. That's not free will its coersion.

    free will is just the obvious. The ability to make decisions. All animals do it, including us. I like your thought. :)

  • punkofnice

    I don't think in reality freewill exists. At least not in the fullest way.

  • snowbird

    So, you would prefer being an automaton?

    Or, simply not being?

  • Seraphim23

    Free will is also linked in with the phenomena of consciousness, as if beyond the level of the logical algorithmic mind and the animal instinctive brain there exist a witness to all of it. Does this witness actively alter what these other parts do, or is it so intimately integrated in the experience that it merely mistakenly thinks it does but is in fact a backseat driver with no power. Is there any way to tell?

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