Does Christianity Need The Bible

by Mat 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • conflama

    I am trying to understand. Is this not only a JW issue site, but also athiests? if youre athiests, what difference does it make if you dont like Jws or anyone else? if you dont believe in god or organized religion, or the bible, what difference does it make of your views of one of the religioons you dont agree with anyhow? Its like an amish person debating why Ford sucks and chevy is better.

  • rebel8

    Anyone can join this site.

    If humans only talked about things of substance, we'd barely talk at all. Just read those deeply significant magazines in the grocery line...

    When something has harmed you significantly in life, you may wish to discuss it. Simple as that. That's why it matters.

  • transhuman68

    Christianity is just based around the myth of a man who died and came back to life; and how everyone wants to be like him. It is the dubious vision of immortality that attracts people though. The complete Bible isn't important to Christianity- just whichever verses a particular religion wishes to use.

  • Viviane

    if youre athiests, what difference does it make if you dont like Jws or anyone else?

    Why do you assume atheists don't like JWs or anyone else?

    if you dont believe in god or organized religion, or the bible, what difference does it make of your views of one of the religioons you dont agree with anyhow?

    Because those ideas and beliefs intrude into the world in which we live.

  • kaik

    Christianity never was unified in its beliefs. Since the time of Apostles there were different churches and accusation of apostacy. Several hundred years later when Christianity became accepted faith of the Roman Empire came a need to unify various Christian text. What we have in NT is nothing more than what Roman administration had decided as acceptable cannon and what is not divinely inspired. What Christians believe is often an invention or explanation of Christian fathers like St. Augustine. For example St. Augustine came with the concept of the Original Sin. Bible itself contradict or does not give necessary explanation giving the rise of various denominations. If Bible is divine inspiration that it should have clearly say so matter the most to the people like is there a life after death, what happens when we die, what is a purpose of our life, nature of God, and why bad things do happen to good people, something that was debated already century after the death of Jesus known as Origenist contraversy. Every Christian denomination has own explanation on these questions.

  • sarahsmile

    Some Christians probably never read the bible but heard about Jesus from others and followed.

    God reads our hearts.

  • kaik

    Sarah, some JW never read bible from beginning to end, but they read everything in Watchtower and Awake.

  • Tiktaalik

    The bible is the most boring book ever.

    Better off with a Cormac McCarthy novel.

  • designs

    Saint Paul was the Fred Franz of his day.

  • Heaven

    conflama, many of us on here are related to or have friends that are JWs. Nothing like being raised in a religious cult to make a person realize it's all BS and result in that person becoming an atheist.

    Christianity is just a continuation of previous belief systems with their own spin on things. The Christ story is very similar to past stories of Horus, Krishna, and Mithras.

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