"Keep Doing This In Remembrance Of Me"...keep doing what???

by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • designs

    SAHS- The majority of Christians believe in the 'Real Eucharist' and Transubstantiation- Catholics and the Orthodox (1.6 billion vs 6 hundred million Protestants) who go to great lengths to bless the bread and wine which then turns into the flesh and blood. It is the johnny come lately Protestants, and still later JWs, who broke from this view because they didn't like the plane meaning of that passage.

    Its always amusing to hear Evangelicals, particularly, diss the JWs Memorial when they themselves can't follow the early Church.

  • rebel8

    I'd say, "Let's go right now. Wait one moment while I grab an accompaniment to my snack."


    "Keep Doing This In Remembrance Of Me"


    ...................................................................................... photo mutley-ani1.gif ...OUTLAW

  • westiebilly11

    outlaw...very very funny!!!thanks!

  • Scully

    The average JW goes to The Memorialâ„¢ to warm a seat and nothing else. I can warm a seat in the comfort of my home, dressed in my pyjamas and accomplish more, while watching my favorite TV shows.

  • Crazyguy

    I would ask back "is that the same as a Satanist's Black Mass, where every one rejects Jesus Blood and Body?????'

  • factfinder

    Excellent post Island Man!

    Good one Rebel8!

  • villagegirl

    Designs - I actually think you have a good point , this whole command to eat, this is my body,

    is hugely significant, because the symbolic part is that we become part of his body and this

    was a theme Jesus emphasized over and and over , the oneness, the indwelling of the spirit.

    Which makes the doctrines of the WT all the more anti-Christ because they keep people from

    being part of the whole body of Christ and the universal priesthood of all believers. Its a

    spiritual thing and the witnesses do not have that spiritual mindset, they are so obsessed on

    their "earthly hope" they never see themselves as spiritual beings, sharing a spiritual life

    with a non material Creator. It is also evidenced when many witnesses leave the "duties"

    and mundane rituals of the watchtower lifestyle, they simply have no spiritual outlook

    to sustain them beyond that framework, which is why I think so many become atheists

    and mockers and have difficulty trying to understand whats going on in other churches.

  • Heaven

    One come back to them could be "No thanks. I'm not a cannibal."

  • Rattigan350

    The bread was a symbol of his body and the wine of his blood.

    But he said to keep doing that in remembrance of him. But we never knew him. We only read stories of him.

    The way to keep remembering someone whom we read stories of, is to reread the stories.

    It made sense for those back then, but not for us today.

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