Any new partakers this year???

by DATA-DOG 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    I just wondered if anyone was going to partake this year? I'm not. When I learned TTATT, it became obvious that the WTBTS was NOT God's organization. It became obvious that IF the Bible was true, the WTBTS's teaching on the "anointed" were false. In my relief and euphoria of TTATT, I began partaking, in private. I confided in 2 Elders and my wife. The results? My wife said she wished I were dead instead of a partaker, and I had 5 Elders meetings, was accused of apostasy, and stipped of all JW privileges!!! LOL!!!

    Then my intense study of the Bible and the real "truth" [lol!!] began. Other Bibles, Concordances, tons of old publications, sleepless nights, worry, and endless questionings were the norm. It became obvious that there was no absolute biblical "truth" to be found. Many nice people can read the same verses and get a different view. Some verses are contradictory or just nebulous and open to interpretation. Some just pick and choose, making their own brand of "truth." It became apparent that I could devote my entire life to the study of ancient scrolls written by other humans and NEVER get any real answers. Many, many, many humans have done so. They all died. They are not contacting me from beyond to share their wonderful insights or to guide me through the endless ocean of contradicting biblical commentary. What good did their endless pondering accomplish? Why am I losing sleep over any of this? Why am I using my life energy pondering the biased views of long- dead humans who viewed the entire history of humanity and the planet through the wrong end of a telescope??

    So now, I have stopped trying to answer the un-answerable. I have stopped trying to make sense of nonsense, stopped picking the least nonsensical ideas as truth. I don't think I need to partake. Even if the Bible was totally true, those days are gone. Gifts of the spirit would cease. It's over. The "generation" is gone. I simply cannot devote energies to deciphering something that GOD could plainly tell me BEFORE I DIE, if he wanted to. I can now attend a JW meeting or not, it doesn't matter. The memorial will be no different. I won't be influenced by it any more than I would be by Hari Krishnas jumping around or Oprah's latest "secret."

    Any comments??

  • designs

    For a fun look at confusion and contumaciousness read up on the Eucharist and the Orthodox and RCC vs the Protestants views.

  • Magnum

    It became apparent that I could devote my entire life to the study of ancient scrolls written by other humans and NEVER get any real answers.

    I'm just strarting a real study of the Bible (outside of JWdom) and of religion in general, but I'm sort of feeling that I'm going to reach that conclusion, too.

    I simply cannot devote energies to deciphering something that GOD could plainly tell me BEFORE I DIE, if he wanted to.

    Why, if there is a creator, does he hide? I can understand making the search or quest a little difficult in order to test individuals to see who cares enough to put forth the effort. But I've been searching and questioning and begging in prayer for answers for decades, and instead of getting anwers to questions, I get more questions and I find more things that don't make sense. Why would a loving God not answer me when I have literally begged him on my knees in the middle of the night in an open field under a starry sky to answer me, and I've done that for years??? I get complete silence as an answer - nothing to indicate that he hears me or cares or even exists. Unless maybe my learning TTATT is an answer. I had been specifically praying for an answer as to whethers JWs were what they claimed to be. I already had a good idea, but I just wanted to make 100% sure.

  • Xanthippe

    Only if they have an excellent Chianti and some crusty olive bread.


    "Why would a loving God not answer me when I have literally begged him on my knees in the middle of the night in an open field under a starry sky to answer me, and I've done that for years??? I get complete silence as an answer - nothing to indicate that he hears me or cares or even exists."

    Maybe He/She/They are too busy blessing the chickens of Myanmar?!?!?

    "Unless maybe my learning TTATT is an answer.."

    I hear that! Perhaps it's this simple. If a creator exists, it aint JEHOVAH of the Watchtower. This creator wants you to find your own path to enlightenment, THE END.


  • Crazyguy

    I really did pray for wisdom and thought ttatt was his answer because it brought me to a better understanding of the idea of Jesus and what he was all about. Then I continued my dig for understanding and now don't believe the bible is a holy book or in the god of the bible. I will go to the memorial and probably partake, hopefully this will get my kids to ask me some questions and i can share some ttatt under the guise of the WT teachings.

  • punkofnice

    Not me.

    It doesnt matter now...the gb have relagated the anointed class® to nobodies.

  • Ucantnome

    i dont like the idea of drinking from the same glass or cup that someone else has drunk from.

  • Listener

    I like your point about this generation. It's over, it's gone. Making up a new and ridiculous meaning for the term generation changes nothing, 1914 cannot be true.

  • Quarterback

    I'm gluton intolorant, so that was my answer right there.

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