In one of the WT mags in the early '70's there was a picture that had people falling to the ground around one lone person who stayed standing. There were labels around the fallen people, "drug addiction", "fornication", etc. then a dome around the standing person, protecting him from what looked like a meteor shower. The caption made reference to the verse which states that though all those around you would be falling, Jehovah would be protecting the righteous. That's a very imperfect description of the half page drawing but if you were around WT back then you might remember the picture I'm describing.
I heard all the descriptions of the concentration camps, the tortures in Malawi, etc., and it made me quake in my shoes. I thought that if I was very, very "good" that Jehovah would protect me like he was protecting the standing person in the picture. When I would see people I knew fall prey to street drugs and then suffer their effects I thought I was seeing that picture in action. I spent almost every waking hour (and a lot of my sleep time) focused on doing everything "right" so that my family and I would be protected when the GT and the Big A began..."it could start tommorrow, brothers, and if not then, the day after that!"
I made myself sick, physically, and I spent far too much time trying to please others and to live a perfect life.
When the persecution came, it was from inside the congregation and all my preparation did no good at all.
PTSD, anyone?