The speaker at the Memorial tonight stated straight up that the 144,000 is a literal number as we will stop celebrating the memorial when Jesus 'arrives' and takes the few remnant with him. How can the society change the 144,000 to figurative without blowing themselves out of the water?
144000 Literal or Figurative?
by why144000 27 Replies latest jw friends
They are going to have to at some point because the partakers are increasing, and to be part of the annointed is nothing now as only the GB are the FDS.
The annointed have no role on earth now, they have been demoted to being mentally unstable or only part of the belongings to be taught by the FDS which is only the GB.
The GB seem to be getting younger as well, so more around the ages of 40/50 yrsd old might start partaking worldwide.
Kate xx
I agree with you Kate however I do feel sorry for the poor saps who have to stand up and espouse the current "truth' then have to stand up next year (or the year after) and sound just as convincing about a backflip.
For the JW to fail at being a good and faithful member of the 144,000 means the 2nd death. Why would any sane person within the Ranks take that chance.
The Searcher
Simple solution for the G.B. - just stop taking a count of the partakers every year and give some ambiguous explanation that "Jehovah knows who really belong to him". Seemples!
The book of revelation is highly symbolic so that number is bound to be also symbolic. It is very unlikely that there weren't 144 000 faithful Christians in 2000 years an average of just 72 per year on a global scale, chances are there were a lot more than 144 000 during the first three centuries of the church. And how many does this half baked sect claim that it provided in 130 years? About 8 000 now, thousands more since 1935 that already died and many more before that beginning from 1878, certainly a lot more than the 72 members average per year.
Although having observed several of these so called anointed JWs most don't seem to have anything special to set them apart from the rest of the group in terms of words or deeds it is just a case of them feeling that they have been called to a special status but otherwise there is nothing outstanding about them. But then again they might fear talking since they run the risk of a quick expulsion and subsequent total shunning if what they say contadicts the ideology of the JW leadership (the governing body and who knows who else could be hiding behind them) who made it clear that they and only they were given the divine right to formulate and modify doctrine and anyone else trying to do so is unfairly usurping their God given rights and will be severely punished by God. Such grandiose claims are often made by many leaders of relatively recently appeared sects that they have a divinely given and unquestionable monopoly of religious truth. Oh yeah pompous ass!! You can talk about having the truth on the basis of such transparent lies.
If the Number is Literal, shouldn't the Tribes be Literal as well?
If literal only Jews comprise the 144,000
Jews and also male and virginal undefiled by women.
If the Number is Literal, shouldn't the Tribes be Literal as well?
If literal only Jews comprise the 144,000
You are right. And they should be all men and virgins too!!!
We thought the same thing almost at the same time!!