According to WT doctrine Jehovah's Witnesses will be singled out and persecuted during a time described in this way: "for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again." According to the Watchtower the devil will turn on God's people will all his might (if he really exists, why hasn't he done so already?) in an attempt to wipe them out.
Also, it's not promised that all JWs will escape unscathed during this period of time.
Even before I woke up fully to TTATT I really thought about what that meant. If that time period is to be WORSE than anything mankind has ever seen, then we could expect the levels of suffering being dished out to be worse than the genocides and suffering during WW1 & WW2, worse than the suffering of the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, worse than the suffering of the Vietnamese, Koreans, Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians, Israelis, Chechnians during times of war, worse than the Spanish Flu, and Black Plague, worse than the suffering of peoples tortured and killed by Genghis Khan, The Crusades, slaughtered by Roman, Assyrian, Babylonian, Sumerian, and Egyptian legions, worse than the goddamn supposed global flood of Noah's day!
Now you tell me, have current JWs really thought that they could have their heads bashed in? Fingers and toes sliced off? Bled to death slowly over the course of several days? Tortured for months for info? Have their testicles crushed, slices off, jumped on, bored with hot metal, splashed with acid? Have their limbs shot off one by one? Have their family members drowned, strangled, gassed, or burned before them? Be raped and have their friends and family brutally raped before them regardless of gender???
Did you think about and prepare mentally for these things? Not surface thinking, I mean really DEEPLY think about possibly going through those things to 'prove you were faithful'? Did you think about what seeing and feeling those things would be really like, or did you passively go along with that craziness like the rest of WT doctrine?