In a human history there were period of world-wide distress. The dark age of Bronze Era around 1100 B.C. devastated world from Europe to China due volcanic eruption. 1500 years later, the greatest empire of the Antiquity, Roman Empire is in last breath. Provinces are falling apart, barbarians inviding civilized places, and central authority collapsed. Plague of Antonius or Cyprian decimated millions of people. Christians are having a field day. The world leading military power is about to be defeated and Jesus will return. Rome which was not conquered for 700 years was sacked in 410 A.D. City which conquered the world was conquered. Christians are gathering on the hills awaiting Armageddon. Thousands are flocking to Jerusalem to see Jesus to return. They could not imagine a world to exist without Rome, its military might, and only imagined Christus reign afterward. In that decade, Catholic chruch formulated the Great Tribulation as a brief period of intense distrest. St. Augustine describes it as a symbolic term for a spiritual battle between Evil and Christ's rule. As 5th century passed and Roman political system was thing of the past, Church put tribulation into distant future where millenium is not equal 1000 years, but rather symbolic timeframe. 1250-1350 witnessed Black Death from China to England, 100 year war, conquest of Asia, Middle East and Central Europe by Genghis, great famine, and financial crisis. Life expectancy shrunk to 28, much lower than during Dark Age. Yet, Tribulation did not happened.
The renew interest into Great Tribulation came in 19th century from USA, were various end doom religious groups appeared including JW. Some Churches believe that the Great Tribulation happed in the past as series of judgement against Jews (not only 70.AD, but also 135AD when Jews were banned from Jerusalem). Other believe that Tribulation will be caused by Satan against Christians. while other say it will be a God's wrath and Judgment against unbelievers. So in order to analyze meaning of the Great Tribulation, it is crucial .o point out who is the victim/target in it.