2014-03-29 BOE CONFIDENTIALS PDF Adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide

by WatchTower87 58 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BluesBrother

    Re: Adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide March 29, 2014 Page 4 To my mind , this is the sting in the tail, final para of the P S

     What should be done with excess congregation funds that are currently being held or that may accumulate in the future? The elders of congregations having funds on deposit with the branch office should re- view the balance of such funds and decide if these can be donated in full or in part to the worldwide work and/or Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide, pa r- ticularly if these funds were being saved fora future construction project. Periodically, the body of elders may also review the balance of the congregation funds to determine if surplus cash could be sent to the branch office as a donation. The recommendation for such a donation should be presented to the congregation as a one-time resolution. When this resolution is approved bythe congregation, the one-time donation to the worldwide work orto Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide may be added to the monthly resolved amounts sent to the branch office

    So from now on they hold all the money, donated by the bros. for a local K H ! They decide where and when a new K Hall is to be built. If a cong has been maintaining payments on a Society loan which is for a limited time...the cong can darn well afford to keep on donating ad infinitum.. Have I got it right?

  • insearchoftruth

    and if the elders make the donation resolution, what are the chances of any votes against....one question, in a congregation vote, do women have voice and vote?

  • blondie

    Add also that the minimum they can donate monthly is whatever they are paying on the loan. If the slips add up to less than that, will the WTS challenge it? Or if the current slips don't add up to what they paid on the previous loan? And how much beyond the monthly operating expenses they will be allowed to keep. I wonder if a congregation refuses, will they be dissolved?

  • blondie

    *** km 2/94 p. 2 Question Box ***

    Question Box

    ▪ What procedure should be followed when presenting resolutions to the congregation?

    A resolution is required when a decision must be made about important matters such as purchasing property, remodeling or building a Kingdom Hall, sending special contributions to the Society, or caring for the circuit overseer’s expenses. It is usually best to present a resolution for approval each time congregation funds are dispensed.

    As an exception, the congregation might resolve once to contribute a specific amount each month to the Society in addition to what each individual is contributing toward the worldwide preaching work already. Also, normal Kingdom Hall operating expenses, such as utilities and cleaning supplies, do not require a resolution.

    When a need becomes evident, the body of elders should discuss the matter thoroughly. If the majority are in agreement that something needs to be done, one of the elders, perhaps a member of the Congregation Service Committee, should prepare a written resolution for presentation at the Service Meeting.

    The elder acting as chairman should briefly but clearly explain the need that exists and what the body of elders recommends to care for it. The congregation is then given opportunity to ask pertinent questions. If the matter is complicated, it may be best to delay the vote until the next Service Meeting to give everyone time to think about it. The actual vote is taken by a show of hands.

    Voting on the resolution is limited to dedicated and baptized members of the congregation unless legal requirements direct otherwise, as may be the case when corporation matters or Kingdom Hall loans are involved. It would not be appropriate for visitors from other congregations to participate.

    After the resolution has been approved, it should be dated, signed, and placed in the congregation file.

  • joe134cd

    You know what I reckon is going to happen. They will go from 1 extreme to the other, from having referbs forced upon the congregation to now trying to draw blood out of stone to get any work done. It also gives less opportunity for us apostates to talk about how they operate about their pricing. It's a win win for them

  • wallsofjericho



  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    This shall be interesting. . . .

    For instance, in a nearby congregation actually needing a new hall (the place is pretty shot), an elderly brother (no family) died and left a SUBSTANTIAL amount of money to THE CONGREGATION -not THE SOCIETY.

    Evidently - and yes, I am not 100% sure on this and that is why I am using that word - a couple of elders from the congregation played a role in convincing this old guy NOT to leave the money to the Society as he intended, but to give it to his local cong to cover expenses in for the new local building project. They knew that if he had donated it to the Society, the local cong would have never seen a cent.

    The elder in charge of this whole thing was crowing about how "Jehovah provides. . . .. . "

    But from page four of this letter, I get the impression that congregations like this, with $100k's in a local bank account are being "compelled" to simply turn that money over to the society.

    I'm sure that if resistance to this wonderful "new arrangement" is detected, the CO will certainly "encourage" the elders to fork it over. Am I correct in thinking this? If so, in halls like this and others like it, I think they might have more Menlo Parks on their hands. . .

  • NeonMadman

    Stupid question: Why do they tell the elders to destroy the letter that was sent in 2009?

    Orwell: Who controls the present controls the past. Who controls the past controls the future.

  • Watchtower-Free

    Leaked first here


  • baldeagle

    Interesting to see how this will play out. Thanks

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