Re: Adjustment to financing Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide March 29, 2014 Page 4 To my mind , this is the sting in the tail, final para of the P S
What should be done with excess congregation funds that are currently being held or that may accumulate in the future? The elders of congregations having funds on deposit with the branch office should re- view the balance of such funds and decide if these can be donated in full or in part to the worldwide work and/or Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide, pa r- ticularly if these funds were being saved fora future construction project. Periodically, the body of elders may also review the balance of the congregation funds to determine if surplus cash could be sent to the branch office as a donation. The recommendation for such a donation should be presented to the congregation as a one-time resolution. When this resolution is approved bythe congregation, the one-time donation to the worldwide work orto Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall construction worldwide may be added to the monthly resolved amounts sent to the branch office
So from now on they hold all the money, donated by the bros. for a local K H ! They decide where and when a new K Hall is to be built. If a cong has been maintaining payments on a Society loan which is for a limited time...the cong can darn well afford to keep on donating ad infinitum.. Have I got it right?