Ever since reading about DMT and hearing people discuss it, my new post-JW open mind wants to experience it. Anyone here tried it or feels the same?
Ayahuasca / DMT.... anyone else curious?
by snare&racket 53 Replies latest jw friends
I have an ex jw friend that went down to S america and tried the real stuff made by locals. he regrets it because he followed the advice the spirits told him and his living situation got screwed up.
meh...go volunteer.
Space Madness
I've tried ayahuasca once and I suggest you stay away. You only have one brain, don't f**k it up!
Barrold Bonds
it's dumb. you're literally paying some dude to rub cookies on you.
I have been to south america, and I am totally curious. Only problem is finding a proper group, where you won't be taken advantage of. It has to be mixed correctly.
I saw that and am very interested. I'm not really a drug user (I vaporize once every couple of months), so it might be a pretty big jump. I don't even mess with mushrooms.
So that is the long was of saying yes I am very interested.
There are no such things as spirits lol and it is funny how anti drug people can be, for no real rational reasons. Most things we consume interact with our brain including tea & coffee, alcohol and even foods. There is an odd perception about 'drugs', a whole blanket list of chemical interactions that people will label as dangerous just because it is a 'drug' that isn't yet sold on a shelf.
DMT as with all drugs, can worsen any pre existing psych condition and it is ill advised for those people. But it does not cause psychological insult.
It does raise neuro sympathetic drive though (fight & flight) so increased heart rate, resp rate, blood pressure etc. But so does a can of red bull!
My perception based on my background in medicine is that DMT trips are just potent dreams,. DMT which is used in memory organisation during sleep, is part of associating sounds, vision and memory along with emotion with the days events. Hence dreams! DMT is released during this process. High doses seem to provide vivid highly sensual experiences that most who try it seem to relish. I believe they are simply experiencing a very potent observation of their brain making associations and new neuronal connections. Nothing to be scared of or even real.
For the physiology involved and background I have, I would love to try it, there is science to be learned from DMT, I really belive think so. Also it looks great fun.
The aura at the beginning of a siezure can feel like an intense feeling of absolute clarity. Just the brain spazzing out though.
There is still so much to learn about the brain. Fascinating stuff.
S&R: I too have long been interested in these. When I first left the JWs I was like a sponge soaking up every experience I could.
DMT had me fascinated.
A pretty common weed, Philaris arundinacea - reed canary grass, is an excellent and common (and legal) source. There is plenty of info available on the net.
Taking mind altering drugs even of legal can be very dangerous. Not all drugs are harmful if taken responsibly. It depends who you are with as well. Personally I am just not curious to take anything that will affect my brain. I like having my full faculties.
Let us know how you get on if you decide to give it a go.
Kate xx