The genius of the new donation arrangement

by thedepressedsoul 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DesirousOfChange

    The only benefit I see that the Congregation gets is an updated hall every 10 years or so without a loan payment.

    I suspect the flock will be told to delay any needed remodels until absolutely necessary with the excuse of being prudent with dedicated funds. There will be a greater need for new Kingdom Hall and remodels somewhere else. . . . everywhere else. . . . but "here" at "our" local congregation.


  • Hoffnung

    if anything, it gives the organisation way more leverage over the elders and congregations, and will be very hard for any body of elders to stand up against the organizations wishes

  • kurtbethel

    Jehovah does provide for his spirit led organization.

    Watchtower Jehovah's Witnesses money donation greed scam

  • wallsofjericho

    this thread has really identified the benifits to the BOrg of this new donation,

    they already own all the KH's that are paid for since all halls are donated to society, but their is a "lien" on the hall. One business entity of the WTS owes another part of the org money. but that money is tied and with risk (at least in lenders eyes)

    Now, the society continues to own all KH's right from day one, and ALL kingdom halls are fully paid for loan free from day one. THESE ARE IMMEDIATE CAPITAL ASSETS.

    the WTS is now able to leverage building projects and borrow bank & investor money based on the promisary notes of each congregation and there massive real estate holdings. All growth protected from the tax man

    these promisary notes will greatly exceed present building costs, especially since the WTS would never approve builing KH's at a rate greater than the intake of donations.

    This also takes out the potential "business" label being slapped on the BOrg as a money lender.

  • cultBgone

    saving for reference

  • Splash

    Unless you need a new build or full refund, you will probably be told that the money isn't meant for small jobs, just save up and sort that yourself.

    Oh, and while you're saving up you can't reduce your monthly tithe.


  • LogCon

    2 Cor 9:7 "...Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver..."

    This sounds like more than a suggestion. It sounds like a requirement for Christians.

    '..not reluctantly ...[not]under compulsion.' The problem for the Society may compound when the flock feels like they are 'under compulsion' and the desire wanes. Try to get someone to renew their desire when it disappears. It is almost impossible. Rev 2:4 made a statement that any adult can understand. Leaving or losing the love for something or someone you had at first, happens to all of us. When did you ever lose a first love and then rekindle it with the same fervor?

    The Society tries to keep the 'love' strong by constantly changing the 'food on the plate'. New publications, new arrangements, new meetings, assemblies, exciting 'new light'. I wonder if giving because of hounding by the organization or guilt is more common than giving cheerfully.

    I think there are enough examples in the Bible to prove God puts the motivation of the giver ahead of the amount. If the Governing Body has caused a decrease in cheerful giving, they should be preparing for a heavier judgement.

  • Calebs Airplane

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