Honestly, I miss the entertaining I did and knowing that no one would be smoking or cursing around my child.
Is There Anything About The Witnesses That You Like?
by minimus 56 Replies latest jw friends
For those of you who think Dubs don't smoke, perhaps the majority of them don't, but I know of a few growing up and I'm not talking about teenagers, grown baptized brothers and sisters who got caught, but were never DAd or reprooved for it.
Matter of fact my first job come to find out that one of my coworkers was a sister at a neighboring Cong and smoked like a chimney at the office, since my mother always said "the organization should be kept clean" and I was just a young teen at the time, I told her I wanted to report the sister, I have to say when I mentioned this to her she was quite hesitant, even when we were at the circuit assembly and she found the elders of the sisters cong, and I did tell them about the sister
I have to say thought for all my mothers mouthing off and standing strong for Jah, like I said she seemed to be quite hesitant but really couldn't say anything because that's what she taught me, even when we were standing their and she got the two elders togehter she said to them " and she just insists that she tell you this" . . .well, isn't that what you taught me ?
The assembly bean burritos were the best. Although. it made sitting through the afternoon session difficult (at least for those sitting in my immediate vicinity).
What? You say there are no bean burritos!? Curses!. Then there is nothing I like about being a witness. Bring back the bean burrito and you may see me at the next convention. You may also see a few empty seats next to me.
No, nothing.
Funny story though.
Circuit overseer gives talk at assembly about finding good things to say about our bro's (as opposed to mean).
To illustrate he relates the example of this lovely sis he knew who had something nice to say about everyyone.
The sister even had a nice thing to say about satan.
Quote on quote; "at least he (satan) is a hard worker".
Followed by applause and laughter.
When this question is asked, I think not a thing. It reminds me of my mother telling us that our pedophile father "loved" us and we had to obey him because he provided us a place to live and food to eat. Nothing is worth trading for that requires allowing others to abuse you and abuse will never be love.
What Stev2 said hehe
Also i have to say, most of the rank and file i have been in contact with have been lovely
I like the fact that they do not darken my door anymore.
Frazzled UBM
They can have a certain naivety about the world which can be disarming and they appear sincere (even though it is misplaced)
Frazzled UBM
Also - most do try to be good people according to their definition (in the sense of being honest - albeit not being intellectually honest- and living cleanly) because they believe they are being watched all the time
Julia Orwell
Yes, that they can generally be considered honest, and they don't swear or watch a lot of tv.