This was in the paper Wednesday - in South Africa - Durban. Which is quite surprising as our papers usually do not carry stories like this.
This is a prem baby - now 6 months. The Dr's had to obtain a high court order to allow the procedure.
The baby had to have a blood transfusion as it could not absorb the mother's milk and supplements cannot be used because of his tiny body.
The parents refused to give their consent and was on life support so the Dr submitted to the court that this was an infringement on the
child's right to life. So the courts said the Dr's can go ahead and give the blood as their private beliefs could not be allowed to override
the child's right to life and that the religiouis beliefs of the parents are not that of the child.
Elders then said "The sin is upon the doctors who gave the blood and not the parents or the child"
Oh cold can one be!! what a shame - shame on their god jah and shame on all the jw's! they should read their own bible -as they were about to sacrifice their child to baal.