Blood transfusion refused by parents of a 6 month old!!
by outforever 17 Replies latest watchtower medical
This is the modern version of child sacrifice.
This is exactly right. I wonder why any religion anywhere has the religious freedom to abuse children and kill them. This is beyond the whole concept of religious freedom.
Band on the Run
The baby will become a teen. Imagine googling your name and finding that your parents wanted you to die. I won't through minor things dealing with abuse. It hurts after decades. When I see young children or puppies, I become protective. Perhaps by the time this baby is a teen there will be further new light. The WT does not win these law suits.
I want to research further about fourteen year olds being allowed to refuse blood. Also, I want to see if there are challenges to parents pulling their children out of high school. Death cannot be reversed. When I was a teen, I felt as tho I had no autonomy at all. I made a calendar with the dates until I turned 18. Each day I would cross the date the way prisoners do until their release date or parole date.
My mom told a hospital no blood for my younger sister. I was shocked. The truly gung ho will keep their children out of the system. This worries me about home schooling.
Jehovah-------the blood-thirsty god. No more blood for him. Enough wars and murders and elders, shall we say?
JWs believe that the symbol of life is more important than life itself. Talk about messed up!
Even as a teenager this never sat well with me. It terrified me to think my parents would refuse a life saving blood transfusion for me. I prayed I made it out of my teen years without having to need one. I was lucky... others are not.
My cousin was in a car accident and needed a transfusion. She refused and died. She left behind 3 children and a husband. What a waste.
Not that i'm trying to defend the parents, but i'm pretty sure that in making that decision, the parents already knew that in light of the current law, and from past cases, the hospital would seek for the court to take custody of the child in this matter.
So it's a win-win situation for them. They get to be courageous heroes in the congo, and they get to save the child by blaming the evil doctors and hospital.
So they are baptizing babies now? That is the only way that a 6 month old would be bound by God's law.
A woman and a mother herself posted this astute comment under this news story:
“Why kill such a precious gift when an acceptable and sure cure is at hand? Perhaps laws need to change: children should only be bound by the religious restrictions of their parents once they are old enough to understand and accept the implications thereof.”
Personally I still can’t believe in the year 2014 this insanity is still going on in the WTS. (I understand the potential lawsuits from JW families who lost loved ones over the blood issue.) But this has become a default scenario where the parents of a minor child, especially babies will refuse blood. Then a judge is called at 3 a.m., who is forced to be the decision maker and authorize a transfusion. The parents feel good and appear as loyal JW’s to all in the congregation, what a fine example they are!
Marvin Shilmer has an excellent explanation of a “Letter of Understanding” available in some hospitals. It asks parents to sign a letter of understanding, drafted with the help of the hospital liaison committee, that says the institution recognizes their religious objections and will try to avoid transfusions if at all possible. The letter is not a consent form, but adds that where the child is at imminent risk of serious harm or death, medical staff will press ahead with the transfusion. I hope this link is clickable. Sorry if it isn’t maybe someone could fix it for me.
On this same post he also has a link to the National Post news article dealing with this letter. This letter allows everyone to "play nice" in the hospital, thereby avoiding negative WTS publicity.
December 20, 2012 article of the National Post: Without fanfare, Jehovah’s Witnesses quietly soften position on blood transfusions.