Kendall Lakes Congregation (Miami FL USA), Partook of the Emblems. He is an Elder(40), His wife and their 2 Daughters (21 &19), All 4 are also Regular Pioneers. Another 6 Pioneers in that Congregation Partook of the Emblems.
Family of 4 in Miami FL Partakes
by James Jackson 35 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for the info. Where are you getting it from? Do you know people in these congregations? Kate xx
Looks like there is a quiet Revolution in the ranks.
This is the sort of thing that may cause a change in Doctrine, which if it happens, will be the beginning of the Tail wagging the Dog.
Will it spark a change in doctrine or just more innuendo that partakers are 'emotionally unbalanced'?
Reg Pioneers have extra meetings and letters from the branch. Perhaps there could have been sugesstions or subliminal messages that some pioneers are annointed.
Who knows, but the more partakers there are the more it messes up current doctrine.
Kate xx
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Julia Orwell
I've never seen anyone partake in about 18 memorials I went to up to last year's one, nor heard of anyone in my city doing it. It seems the Americans are getting into it though!! Good on them! This reliu started in America and maybe it will start to end there.
Dismissing servant
So 10 partakers in one congregation. All of them pioneers. Hmmm. if this can be verified it's interesting.......something seems to happen among the insiders and very active ones.
Apparently, Jehovah wants English-speaking American (mostly-white) pioneers to join Him in heaven.