Why the wait?
by RagingBull 55 Replies latest jw friends
twice shy
Just leave already.
1914 was a very important year. it was closely followed by 1915.
A Watcher, what's so special about the end of 2015? Are you a prophet??
I don't think there will be a Grand Apostate Walk Out, mores the pity.
Anyone who is still in with all the screamingly funny New Light and has not walked away in disgust, is either totally deluded, or imagines he/she has some reason to stay.
The oft stated "I stay for family" is usually another way of saying I am too wimpey and weak to make a decision and a move under my own steam. I am too afraid of what the WT, and my mind-controlled family, will do if I leave.
Well stay, and rot then. Go or stay is the choice. Everybody has that choice, fear is what stops some from grasping the freedom and wonderful real life that awaits.
It is a high price to pay if you lose a wife/husband or offspring because they are in thrall to the cult, but many have said it is worth it. And the outcome is never certain.
Who knows ? You may carry them "through the fire" with you, staying will rot your brain and it will run out of your ears.
Brother Mike
I may join you on that exact date. It would be a great time to get out if so many will leave at the same time.
Strike while the iron is hot. You sound really positive now, so why delay??
Good luck in what you decide.
At “RagingBull”:
That sounds like a great idea, and with a most appropriate timing. After all, a whole century after the year 1914 – which was originally supposed to be the year when everything including Armageddon was supposed to have all been finished – is surely enough time for the supposedly one-and-only mouthpiece for Almighty God to get its sh^t together – you’d blood well think!
Wouldn’t it be really great if us “apostates” could get something together along that line among ourselves – i.e.: Have a predetermined and coordinated MASS EXODUS from the WTS on January 1, 2015! It would be quite the incentive for so many of us folks here who have been sitting on the fence for so long, paralyzed by fear and family pressure, to just take that exhilarating jump down off that stupid old fence onto the side of freedom!
NOTE TO EVERYONE: Let’s get something cooking up and make that idea a reality. Think of the huge impact that this would have on the JW community as a whole – and, as well, we could also have a coordinated press release to the general media in the days leading up to January 1, 2015 to ensure that it is a most public event indeed. We’ve got to come up with something like that as the impetus for all those who know what they really want to do – and really should and must do – to just go ahead and do it all together. Now that would be awesome!
On October 2, 1914, Charles Taze Russell entered the Bethel dining room. "The Gentile Times have ended, their kings have had their day," he rumbled. "Anyone disappointed? I'm not. Everything is moving right on schedule." [Yearbook, 1975, p.73]
The Fall is the time of year with the most meaning to dubs. Jesus was born, Jesus returned. I say you do this on October 2, 2014, unless you muster the strength to do it now.