WOW gotta check out this Charles Sinutko talk "Is It Proper to have doubts?"
by BU2B 34 Replies latest jw friends
A lot of self promoting spin doctoring to support the WTS at all costs no matter of the lack of Truth upon facts or honesty.
GB heads are the biggest self promoting bullshitters in the religious organization but I guess thats their
designated job and essentially their livelihood as well.
The Watchtower Corporation is a commercialized fraud, intelligent people with evaluative knowledge can see through this
pretentious fraud.
I thought Sinutko was the one relishing the slaughter of billions of humans (didn't he specifically mention homosexuals too?), describing the piles of rotting corpses and how Jehovah might use antimatter to make the corpses disappear.
Or am I conflating different wacky talks and speakers?
What year was this particular talk?
He talks eloquently from both corners of his mouth, of course avoiding the real Truth about what the WTS.
has done in the past concerning lying and bullshitting doctrines, which were devised to attract attention to
the WTS's literature.
We're still god's chosen organization and are not a part of today's false religion.
A scam or a fraud is still just that even if its fronted upon religious virtuosity.
Juan Viejo2
Ciro Aucilino was the speaker that described the horrific sites and smells after Armageddon. His speech is on Centralpointe too.