Is it kind of funny that JWs don't give Jesus resurrection day any notice?

by Comatose 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Giordano

    This is one of those times that made me blink I honestly never thought about the resurrection day. I remember that Jesus said to remember him and to partake of the bread and wine (I havn't looked at a bible in forty years).

    I agree a small memorial would be in keeping followed by a big celebration to commemorate the resurrection. But wait don't all Christian Church's do something like that.....JW's can't be like those other churchs.....what bone heads.

  • emeth

    @comatose we are commended to keep the memorial not a feast because of the resurrection

  • Comatose

    I don't think a feast would be implied. But, an acknowledgement that it was a special day would seem obvious. Stop obfuscating and just admit that it might be remembered more than it is.


    @comatose we are commended to keep the memorial not a feast because of the resurrection.....emeth

    ..........................................................................................Emeth Just Pulled Another Rabbit..

    .........................................................................................................Out Of His Ass!!..


    ................................................................................ photo thsmilie_happy_251.gif

    ................................................................................................................................................ photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • Laika

    Jesus' resurrection is irrelevant to JW atonement theology, it's just a nice thing Jehovah did but not something that had any bearing on the ransom payment.

    we are commended to keep the memorial not a feast because of the resurrection

    You were actually commanded to eat bread and drink wine in memorial of Jesus death, but v ery few JWs actually do that.

  • prologos

    Death days are MOST important, that when the MONEY is free to go to those named in the WILL.

    laughing to the bank all the way.

  • emeth

    @comatose nowhere in the bible we see first christians observe 'special' days,.. besides the memorial nor did Jesus instruct us to do so. Our faith is about the resurrection... its what it is all about

  • emeth

    @laika because drinking and eating is meant for the ones that are part of the covenant and who will reign with christ over those who benefit from the covenant but do not take part in it. Jesus drank and ate with his apostles and told them they would be on the throne with him and would judge Luke 22:28-30

  • exwhyzee

    They don't pay attention to anything where an acutal celebrattion is in order or where something has already been accomplished. They only put emphasis on things that are yet to come and especially on things having to do with martyrdom or fear inducing events.

    They never mention the idea that someone HAD to kill Jesus so that his death would be the sacrafice that bought back the lives of all mankind. If people had simply ignored Jesus and allowed him to carry on or if they all accepted his message....then what. He'd have died of old age and nothing would have been accomplished. The way God supposedly set things up, his sacrificial death was the only way for the human race to be rid of the curse it is under.

  • emeth

    exwhyzee said

    If people had simply ignored Jesus and allowed him to carry on, he'd have died of old age and nothing would have been accomplished.

    the point is he would not have died of old age

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