(Ecclesiastes 7:1) 7 A name is better than good oil, and the day of death than the day of one’s being born.
The WTS likes to use this scripture to explain why they don't celebrate Jesus' birth. They believe that day of Jesus death is more important than his resurrection or birth and that Christians were not commanded to celebrate his resurrection.
*** w68 7/15 p. 434 par. 12 Drawing Comfort from the Scriptures ***
Solomon once observed: “A name is better than good oil, and the day of death than the day of one’s being born.” (Eccl. 7:1) That is true if a person has a good name with God at death, built up due to godly works, for then he is in line for a resurrection.
*** w57 4/1 p. 195 What Is Easter All About? ***
Yes, Jesus told his followers to remember his death, which occurred on Nisan 14, A.D. 33. His followers were to celebrate his death by keeping the Lord’s evening meal each year at that date. “Keep doing this,” said Jesus, “in remembrance of me.” (1 Cor. 11:24, NW) What about his resurrection on Nisan 16, A.D. 33? Jesus gave no command to celebrate it. Nor did the apostles who talked with the resurrected Christ give any command to celebrate his resurrection. His death was the only event to be memorialized by a Christian feast.
Yet then the WTS says this:
*** w69 12/15 p. 768 Announcements ***
during April, with 1,322,000 reporting ministerial activity, over 2,719,000 attended the celebration of the Memorial of Jesus’ death and resurrection!