Yes I had a similar experience 2 days ago, I actually wanted to come write something here as the people I was with would never of understood my feelings in regard to the quick but very freeing conversation that was had...
The lady was an elders wife and of course the group of them were having coffee, after a quick and friendly chat at the counter, which she seemed surprised and acknowledged 'you look happy and really good' I said that I felt great and yes was very happy, she than said ' Well do you want us to come round and see you or what?' now that I have learnt stuff here on jwn I thought wow you just can't help but get that time counting in anywhere, I told her no thanks life was good and It really was'nt for me, honestly I wanted to say more, but thought less is more, they all knew how heartfelt I was when in, so in this instance I looked her in the eye remained calm and gave her a big hug as we had gotten along well when I went, I than went over to the table the others were at and said hi looked them all in the eye and chatted than went back to my mate's it was a truly liberating experience to not feel guilt or shame or complacent just to feel like you had happily moved on and that they could see it, I wrestled alot of demons while in with the Jws, and they knew it...... It confused them a little, seeing me so confident and relaxed.... So I say if you can, whenever you come across those you meet try and show the non judgemental love they preach about but can't quite get to.
I do have to admit as well that its taken a couple of years to get to this point... initially after leaving there was alot of anger..........knowledge to be sure that it is nowhere near the truth and time, thats what heals if we want it too.
All the best.