Russian Orthodox church is very reactionary and extremely nationalistic church which see itself as a spiritual leader of Russia and its leaders as a protector. There is nothing unusual in Russia where Orthodox priests bless skinheads to attack people from Caucasus, westerners, etc. Ukriane Orhodox church differs from Russian, it was heavily influenced by Catholic church and western Ukriane has is considered Greek Catholic church, which is blend between traditional Catholic Church and Greek. They also have specific good relationship with Rome. Ukraine church was never national as were Serbian or Russian, and they never had a protector like king or tzar. Ukraine church is based on medieval Kievan Rus which was cross-road between Central European Christianity and Byzantine Empire until its conquest by Mongol. Russian church developed from it, but it was isolated until 18th century from most of the foreigner thinking. Kievan Rus was influenced by Latin thinking and until 1450's it was considered as a part of the Western Christendom. During the council in Basil or Konstanz in 15th century, there were regular requests for Kievan patriarchs to attend by several Central European catholic leaders.
Unfortunatelly, Ukraine is failed state and it been well predicted since 1990's that country will face a civil war. Ukraine-Russian relationship are often compared to Serbo-Croat antagonism, only to be supressed by lack of national awakening in Ukraine. I think this is already happening, and Ukraine will be in the mist of the full scale invasion from Russia. As someone who lived post 1968 Czechoslovakia occupied by Soviet forces, Russia is playing the same scenario as it did during Prague Spring. It will stirr problems, occupy the country and incorporated to its empire. Question is where Russia will stop and I am sure their goal is taking over of entire Europe. In the past 200 years Russia occupied every country east of Paris. Every Slavic country was invaded by Russia since Napoleon. During the 1970's there was a joke under communism where teacher asks children to tell them which country Russia neighbors them. .. the answer was whatever country they feel like to. West is too naive to to think Putin will stop with Kiev.