population explosion

by ballistic 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic


    Author/s: William G. Hollingsworth
    Issue: July, 1998

    Despite optimistic forecasts of falling birthrates in the developed world, high fertility in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East remains a threat to the planet's resources.
    About 1,500,000 people--roughly a new Milwaukee, Wis.--are being added to the world's population every week of the year, fueling an ongoing debate over the present and future implications of population growth. Many human beings are profoundly uncomfortable with the idea of overpopulation. So distasteful and disturbing is the idea of massively tragic overpopulation that most individuals have become virtuosos in ignoring, denying, or at least minimizing such thoughts.

    As for the news of slower growth, it should be noted that, in this case, "slower" does not mean slow. Nor does it mean "more elbow room" compared with today. Even if the UN's revised medium projections prove true, world population will number nearly 9,400,000,000 by the year 2050. That would be a gain of almost 3,500,000,000 persons in the next 52 years, an increase equal to the world's entire population in 1967.

    At what point will it become obvious that a reserection of all the dead is impossible?

  • Mimilly

    Well, I wasn't supposed to let this slip, but, see, there's this rogue planet that crosses paths near us every, um, 3000 years and is due, ah , soon.

    The inhabitants of that planet are going to shuttle a great crowd of people to the mother planet. I suppose those not in the great crowd will go straight to hell without collecting $200 since this rogue planet is supposed to play havoc with the gravitational pull of earth and will cause mass distruction here.

    See? Over population solved! And the earth will be made new!
    I received an email about this very thing. Perhaps the WTS and Captain Kirk of the USS enterprise are in kahoots.


  • rmayer32

    Makes one wonder how many people would be around if EVERYONE came back all at once.. It's ludicris.


  • ballistic

    The Watchtower have printed various articles on over-population and have suggested that the new world will resolve this by restoring the deserts to their former glory. But as time goes by and the population reaches saturation point, this idea will become mathematically impossible to defend.

    Of course, there's mimillys point about planets which I believe the witnesses take seriously. But if were going to start using other planets, God could have created other "SEEDs" on other planets at exactly the same time as Adam. And then when our Adam sinned, God could have blotted him out straight away with no need for a "ransom" or imperfect off-spring.

  • Yerusalyim

    Everything I'm reading these days says the world's population will top out at 9 billion, and actually decline a bit from there. Nine billion is EASILY supportable on this planet.

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Satanus

    The best population controls, aside from massive die off from wars, disease, famine, is education (including for women), and good standards of living. The industrialization of china may be a pivot point in the population issue. Go internet, GO!


  • ballistic

    Yerusalem, you totally missed the point. Perhaps I did not explain clearly.
    The population has been rising rapidly and is already 5 times what it was when the witnesses started out. Whether this population growth slopes off or not is irrelevant. It's the number of people dying day in day out which is going to form a "reserection population" which becomes impossibly large.
    If you have a large population, you have a quicker build up of this number of dead ones.

    Another point to ponder which I just thought of: The witnesses havent actually saved 6 million people since they began; there is now 6 times the population there was in the 1880's - over 5 billion more people for God to slaughter.

  • ballistic

    Here's an interesting clock of world population.

    Just a reminder that the JW number is dropping through the floor in real terms wheen compared to world population growth.

  • ballistic

    That clock is quite cool actually. Hit refresh on this page and it updates itself meaning my post will continually be up to date.

  • Thirdson

    I tried to post yesterday but my connection got severed just as I was posting and lost it all.

    About 20 years ago JW public speakers suggested that the world's entire human population number about 20-25 billion in all history of which 4 billion were alive. Based on utilizing every bit of desert and tundra the Earth might be able to support a population of such a size.

    However, the total human population is estimated at 100 billion (Popular Science, March 2002) of which 6% is alive today. If only 6 million JWs survived Armageddon tomorrow there could still be a resurrected population of over 90 billion people. With that population people would have to be housed in densely populated cities just like today. Forgeting about the industry needed to support a huge transport system the Earth would still need a vast network of roads and railroads to distribute food evenly. So forget about being able to live in a rural agricultural community looking like New England in the foot-hills of Mount Fuji as portrayed by the Watchtower. It aint gonna happen.

    At least the Mormon idea of individual planets to inherit helps with the logistics of a massive next-life populations.


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