population explosion

by ballistic 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus

    On the other hand, heaven has an infinite amount of space, enough for all souls, and god as well:)


  • ballistic

    quote "On the other hand, heaven has an infinite amount of space, enough for all souls, and god as well:)"

    The witnesses may as well preach we all go to heaven if they believe we are going to "other planets". Scientifically speaking, I think going to heaven is more believable. :)

  • Elsewhere

    From time to time I hear someone say that "heaven has an infinite amount of space"

    I was curious. How does one know this? What was measured to determine this; or do people just pull the number “infinity” out of their arss?

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • ballistic

    Elsewhere, I would love to believe in an after life, but I'm one of the ones who has left ALL religion behind when I left the org. I do have a deep respect for anyone who still "believes". I think us non-believers dominate this site whereas there are conventions and sites dedicated to people who have found other religious walks of life. I made a post a few months back saying it made me sick how people returned to certain religions, and I may have misled some people. I actually meant people who leave the JWs and find rather dodgey Cults.

    But I see an actual problem here. The JWs alone state religiously that a limited number of 144000 are going to heaven and the reserected will "inherit the earth". As the number of dead becomes too large beyond doubt, they will have to obtain some new light on this most basic foundation of their beliefs.

  • Satanus


    I can't prove heaven is infinite or that it exists. You can't prove it isn't or doesn't exist, either. However, that there are other dimensions is fairly accepted by scientists. I'll get into this a bit, later.

    The universe is continuously creating new fusion stars, quark stars, neutron stars, planets, and other stuff. The universe on our plane is expanding. Space is continually being created. If space is being created, time also, aalong with it.

    From what i know of science in the fields of quantum mechanics, energy in relation to the atomic structure. The further into matter that scientists peer, the more space they find. The smallest particles of creation have not been arrived at, yet. Along with this field, is the exponential growth/miniaturization of storage devices in computers. The time may come when it will be possible to store all the world's knowledge: music, science, movies, history etc in a device the size of a marble. Will the time come when man on the earthly plane will be able to store an infinite amount of info in something the size of the point of a pin? Maybe.

    Some science mags have suggested that there are alternate dimensions/universes. There are hundreds electromagnetic fields and signals present at the same time in the same place in the country i live in. For instance, hundreds of radio station signals, tv signals, cell phone signals, military, solar megnetic fields, short wave etc, all exist in my apt at this moment. So, it is possible that different planes of existence go on out there and here. We are oblivious to all but a nano fraction of it.

    Also, I have reached this conclusion from reading books by people such as evelyn underhill, robert monroe, bruce moen, william baldwin, michael newton, edith fiore, alexandra david-neel and hinduism, daoism.

    As well, some experiments i have done in the area of meditation.


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