All that is required is to place the crackers and wine on a table and let any who want to partake come forward and nibble their own personal cracker and drink from their own glass of wine
good point
the actual act of "passing" has obvious signifigance. Back "in the day" everyone would have partaken. I guess around 1931-1935 when the "closing of the call" was made up and the other sheep class was invented, then those (perhaps few) that did not partake would have passed the emblems along to the next person.
in my lifetime i have never seen a person partake, ever. Yet at some point in time the act of "passing" developed its own signifigance. As long as I can remember, being at the memorial had life and death signifigance. Even DF'd people showed up, and if anyone dared to not attend a memorial even a DF'd person, this is veiwed with absolute disdain. Yet as proven by this recent memorial, the memorial itself is merely a tradition of the BOrg, it tickles the ears and eyes of the "observers" while having no signifigance at all