Unbelievable Watchtower quote from 1962!!.. ''Don't waste time speculating on what year Armageddon will come'' (check it on cd-rom if you like)

by defender of truth 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Hi again DOT!

    It's a bit sad than a lot of people only remebber you defending WT-doctrine. But you know, such defenders are unique at this board. I hope you are not to much offended ........but I understand that it's not nice being met with suspicion.

    Sometimes I think we are prone to be to suspicios about people changing their mind. And maybe a bit to quick to call people trolls.

    Keep doing your research DOT. Take care.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Datadog said: "Don't be so defensive, it makes you look guilty. Instead of being mad at me, you should defend yourself. I am not the one making accusations."

    ..Don't be so defensive, then 'you should defend yourself'. WTH are you talking about?? You're not the one making accusations?? No, but you were the one bringing a baseless accusation against me publically, completely off-topic, just when I try to make an interesting thread!

    "..I have not noticed anyone treating you suspiciously anymore.".. Seriously? Then who were you talking to that accused me? And then the following poster thought I was a JW.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    Datadog said: "I went from accepting JW "truth" to believing just the Bible, to Pterism, to NOTHING, to near Atheism. Now I am a ?????????. " .. Really? You must have gone through some of those last stages pretty darn fast then, or you are denying your Lord Jesus, because just a month ago you were telling me.."I don't have the answers I want, when I want them. Our Father knows the best time for us to get them I suppose...I don't personally believe that there is any organized religion being used exclusively by our Heavenly Father. Even if I am wrong, He is still going to clean house. It's coming. We may not see it in our lifetime, but it's coming. We are told to have our lamps going. Just be ready. Be ready and do not violate your own conscience as you have God's word revealed to you, through the Holy Spirit. That is THE CHANNEL! GOD'S Word > Holy Spirit > YOU. The Bible was written for YOU. Not for someone else to tell you what it means, It was written for YOU, personally.Yes, there are many translations, there are mis-translations, there might be some things that are not exactly correct in every version, but man CANNOT hide the TRUTH. It will always get through. No matter what they do against the truth, they end up working for truth. It cannot be any other way. Our Heavenly Father has preserved enough of his word in just the right way. Think about it. Some can read the exact same verse as you or I, and they will use that verse to control other people. It's incredible that God's word is written in such a way, that it exposes the hearts and intentions of the reader. Those who want to use God's word for bad purposes will do so. They WILL be judged.I don't have all the answers, and I don't claim to. I don't want your obedience or money, or your life. I don't want to be you guru. I don't want to be your leader, because there is only one leader, Christ Jesus. All I want to do is to help you if you need help. We are to build up the "congregation", the "body", the son's and daughter's of our Heavenly Father, which you can be, right NOW! Not whenever plus 1,000 year, NOW. Just pray, beg for the Holy Spirit, read from several decent translations, use a concordance. Listen to Jesus' voice...The Holy Spirit is real. We may not have all the answers, the Bible cannon may have some issues, certain things may have been lost in translation, but the Holy Spirit given through Yeshua/Jesus/The Word, is REAL. I have no doubt that you have felt the influence of the Holy Spirit when you read God's word. That is why certain things are clear to you, but not to others. Jesus promised to send the helper, the "spirit of truth" to lead us into all truth! He was not lying.There is a reason that you are awakening. What it is exactly, I can't say. One thing is clear, Christ's sheep will hear HIS voice. They will not follow strangers, and they will be persecuted. I promise you this, when you stand up for Jesus the Christ, you will feel incredible...I felt better just being able to speak about Christ Jesus. He is in charge, after all. If the WTBTS has everything right, then he is in charge until the END, plus 1,000 more years. So it's alright to praise him. We are expected to glorify him to the glory of the Father."

  • Finkelstein

    Nice work AndDontCallMeShirley

    Let it be clearly recognized that the WTS's editorial writers created their own doctrines to attract attention toward their

    publications, in essence they lied and bullshitted with that soulful singular purpose in mind.


    This inherent bullshitting has continued on over the decades catching indiscriminately the ignorant and naive

    toward their own prospering benefit..

    This pretespous comerercalsied fraud created and built this organization from its small beginings.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    ..And this was just 5 days ago.
    [These are some quotes from the 'Pray' thread]
    DATA-DOGposted5 days ago(4/15/2014)

    "GOD", could have just gave Pharoah a vision of the future if he disobeyed. Why not just trick his mind like the Sodomites minds were tricked? It would seem real, and Pharoah could have wondered through the dream-world for what seemed like ages and could have learned his lesson. Then innocent humans and animals don't need to be killed...
    Why not just mentally blind the entire nation of Egypt? The Israelites could have just walked out! YHWH sure likes to kill people to get his points across...
    Instead, lots of people had to die. Why? Was it because YHWH couldn't think of a better way? If we can think of an alternate plan, why couldn't YHWH? Wouldn't YOU at least try another plan first?? How long does a vision in the night take, really?? The Israelites can't hang out in Egypt just a little longer?? Wait, let me guess. YHWH had to make his "name" known. Yeah, that's it, the ol' "go to" argument...
    GOD:Dum-dee dum-dumm, Hmmmm???? I was going to do something today,hmmmmm?? What was it?? Oh yes, little Shakazulu needs some food.. There he is! (picture of starving child) Alrighty!! It's been awhile..ahem.. [ cracking knuckles]Allakazam!!! Laa-deeee-ddaaah!!! Uhh?!?!? Oh! Holy F***!!! A watcher needs a list of names!!! Holy shit, that was a close one!!! ...
    The problem with your " unforseen occurence" defense is that GOD could stop all suffering instantly, each person he saved would be another slap in Satan's face. There is no need to allow countless humans to die, just so GOD can have a big finale."

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth

    (Cheers to Finkelstein for completely ignoring the OP and demonstrating what side of the Jwornotjw line I am seen to fall on.)Thanks Dismissing Servant, but I'm starting to think Emeth may have been right about this place being a waste of time. I'm not achieving anything anyway. Good health to you.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    but man CANNOT hide the TRUTH...the Bible cannon may have some issues, certain things may have been lost in translation


    30,000 Christian sects and denominations. To say "certain things may have been lost in translation" is an epic understatement at best.


    I felt better just being able to speak about Christ Jesus. He is in charge, after all


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Emeth may have been right


    LOL !!!


    Q: How do you know when you're scraping the bottom of the barrel?

    A: When you think Emeth may be right about anything.


    LOL!!! BFD!! Like anyone on this site, I have the right to change ANY belief based on evidence. As far as citing a satirical post about Pharaoh..WTH does that prove?? I will gladly post ALL my pm's for the whole forum to read. Guess what? No one cares. They don't care if I believe in the flying spaghetti monster! They don't care if I want to go dance at a gay-bar!

    You posting private PMs to make some point is stupid, especially when I already told you that I was not accusing you of anything, and already apologized for not asking you pivately. Whoopity-friggin doo-da, so I wrote a whole letter about Jesus and the Holy Spirit, so what?? It doesn't matter if I believed that 1 hour, or 1 week, or 1 year ago.

    Remember this, "I wasn't accusing you of anything, just asking? "GOD" knows my Cog-diss has been crazy at times. I am the last person to judge anyone. I went from accepting JW "truth" to believing just the Bible, to Pterism, to NOTHING, to near Atheism. Now I am a ?????????. So I don't judge anyone."????

    I am still in the searching phase of my beliefs, and I am entiled to change them just like you are. I could go back to the KH and confess to the Eldubs tomorrow and that would be my business. Here is a recent post that ANYONE can ridicule if they wish.

    http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/278972/1/Any-new-partakers-this-year#.U1VWo1VdWSo That's pretty up to date, open fire.

    As far as who I am talking to, someone sent me an e-mail asking about you. I didn't believe their accusations. I guess you could have said, " HEY DD. That's really being an A-hole. You should have asked me privately. Who is accusing me of that??" Then I would have sent you a copy of the PM. Instead you went completely ape-shit like a little kid.

    I don't apologize if I don't mean it, and I DO apologize when I am wrong. Take it or leave it.


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Hey D-D, you're on the right path-- "I am still in the searching phase of my beliefs, and I am entiled to change them just like you are."


    "Cherish those who seek the truth but beware of those who [claim to] find it." – Voltaire


    simply ignore those who declare they've found it.....

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