Who was your favourite Jesus?

by new hope and happiness 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I think my favourite portrayal of Jesus was Lothaire Bluteau in " Jesus of Montreal" . Thats also my reccomendation for a great movie.

    Anyway it would be fun to compile a list of actors, that have portrayed Jesus and how it effected our perception of Jesus.

  • designs

    You just can't beat blue eyed blond haired Max Von Sydow for the real authentic Jesus

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    designs that film was directed by George Stevens who directed James Dean in Giant. If Dean hadnt of died in 1955 he would have been a perfect age for the role of Jesus in that film.

    You mention that Max Von Sydow played the " real authentic Jesus" i wonder if the actor actually created that perception. ( blonde hair blue eyes)

  • designs

    Max should have won an Oscar for keeping a straight face during the film.

  • quellycatface

    I think Robert Powell was good but then again, I don't know anyone else who played him. Amazing eyes!!

    I've been informed that the actor who played him in "The Passion of the Christ" was also good.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    So far Robert Powell, Max Von Sydow, and my favourite Loitaire Bluteau, and the Guy that played Jesus in the passion.all good looking and all had piercing eyes.We can add to that list Jeffrey Hunter the original captain of " The starship enterprice" as good looking, with piercing blue eyes and he played Jesus.

    Any " ugly actors" with normal eyes who played Jesus?

    Anyone else seen the film " Jesus of Montreal" ?

  • cantleave
  • quellycatface

    What about the "Life of Brian", or does'nt that count?

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I was very disappointed in Jesus of Montreal. In my opinion, it was one of the worst Jesus films ever. I like the stage actor in the original cast of JC Superstar and Willem Defoe in The Last Temptation of Christ. The peasant type in the old film by an Italian communist that recited Matthew word for word was interesting. I did not like the actor in the Passion.

    I suppose it would depend on my mood at the moment. They say they can't cast a well known actor. Martin Scorcese wanted to cast Robert DeNiro as Jesus in the Last Temptation of Christ. DeNiro said it would not work and refused. All you see is Robert DeNiro in a robe and sandals.

    The exception to the rule is Franco Zefferelli's Jesus of Nazareth. Most of the actors are dead now.

  • Vidiot

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