Who was your favourite Jesus?

by new hope and happiness 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Rub A Dab...before this the last post i started was " unsang heroes of J- witnesses. net" ...i was proud to include your name on that list today...i think your great.

  • RubaDub

    i was proud to include your name on that list today

    new hope and happiness ...

    Thank you so much, you are so kind.

    Not sure what I have done but thank you.

    (by the way, when I was a child, I thought Jesus [pronounced hey-ZEUS] was Puerto Rican since they were the only people I knew with that name).

    Rub a Dub

  • Apognophos

    Jesus of Suburbia (the short film, not the song).

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Agnopopha...looked that up on wikipidia which said." the greatest video Green Day ever did".

    Off topic my favourite pharasie was " David Bowie in his " Ashes to Ashes"

    Didnt Iggy Pop make an image of himself as Jesus on an album cover?

  • jgnat

    My favorite Jesus is Depeche Mode's Jesus..


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I purchased a hippe in a church poster while I was in high school. It was from a head shop in Greenwich Village. It showed a hippie sitting in a suburban middle class boring church. The visuals were not great. It was on my walll for a few years. I looked up one day and it was altered. My mom again. We had an argument about her not touching my stuff. I referenced it as my hippie poster. She told me that the hippie was Jesus. I ran upstairs. She was right. I did not want Jesus on my wall so I tore it up.

  • FlyingHighNow

    The hippy in church poster: sounds like a pretty cool way of letting Christians know that they should be more understanding about hippies.

  • FlyingHighNow

    FHN ...

    I have been exposed!

    Here, have a throw.

    50-x58--Imported-Throw-Blanket-25711.jpg (519×335)

  • Apognophos

    Agnopopha...looked that up on wikipidia which said." the greatest video Green Day ever did

    I was referring to a short film. Apparently it's very obscure. It's about a teen in school who is one of the 'cool dropout' types, too smart and different-thinking to go with the program. His friend secretly arranges with schoolmates to vote him homecoming king as a joke and as an ode to their admiration of him. When he gets up on stage awkwardly to receive the school's honors for presumably being the 'most popular senior', his friend realizes with shame that he has betrayed the very thing they stood for, and become his outsider friend's Judas. It's difficult to really do it justice with words, but it's a short narrated film on 8mm or something else ancient, and it was pretty impressive for a no-budget personal film.

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