Isn't it funny how that works.
Millions of people on this planet pray to God on a daily basis to have some food to eat, or get a job, or get help with something. Out of this huge number of people that pray, an incredibly small amount actually get what they prayed for, and so these go "dancing on the streets" praising God for answering their prayers. Meanwhile the rest simply reason that maybe God has other plans for them, while pointing to the ones who got what they wanted as proof that God exists.
The rate of prayers answered seem to be always the same incredible small amount, and always affected by external factors. For example if 1 million people with cancer prayed to God to be cured 100 years ago, perhaps only a few would get their wishes, maybe none. If today the same amount prayed to be cured, a much larger number would get their wishes, due to better treatment options. So where is the God factor on this, and how is this fair?