In October of last year, I was dying. Literally. It was because of a rare brain disease. I won't bore you with symptoms, but it was horrible. I suffered from debilitating pain, seizures, all kinds of stuff that was almost unimaginable. I couldn't drive because of seizures, I could barely leave my house because of pain. It was truly the lowest point of my life and I didn't care anymore if I lived or died. Horrible, really, is an understatement. I couldn't find a doctor to do the surgery I needed. I saw at least a dozen in my state and I also went out of state. I tried all kinds of medications with no success. I had a big group of people praying for me at church, but I wasn't giving God control. I thought I could figure it out myself. I was a believer at this time, but I just had it in my head that I could do it all myself.
Finally, after all these doctors and meds, I decided to give up. I gave it to God, and decided to just let go and what happened would happen. I had one last doctor's appointment with a man I had never heard of that moved from Canada a couple days before. The day before the appointment, I almost cancelled it, but something told me not to. So I went. I went in to meet the doctor, talked to him for about five minutes, and he said, "I've reviewed your case already, we need to do surgery right now. No more messing around." I had a brain surgery two days later. I recovered almost immediately and I've never been better.
Once I decided to give it to God and I, myself, started praying, God sent me an amazing Neurosurgeon. After so many years of struggle and pain and almost dying, I have my life back. I know without a doubt that God hears prayer and answers exactly what we need. Sometimes it may not be right when we want it because God has a time for everything, or even in the way we expect, but He never abandons us. He is always with us, even if we feel we don't need Him sometimes. After all that, I decided to put absolutely everything in God's hands. He has shown me how much I can handle, how strong I really am, and He has been working in my life in some major ways ever since.
This wasn't my only prayer ever answered, but it was by far the greatest.