What happens to marriages upon the arrival of Armageddon?

by insearchoftruth 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • insearchoftruth

    A couple of paradise earth questions:

    1) If you are a married, baptized witness couple (both people being baptized) and Armageddon arrives, will the couple still be married on ‘paradise earth™’?

    2) If you are married to an unbelieving mate (ubm) and Armageddon arrives, will the witness be free to remarry on paradise earth?

  • nonjwspouse

    I believe I read that all women would become men in paradise somewhere in WT literature. Now I wonder what happens to the marriage at that point, same sex marriage? Interesting

  • Laika

    Insearchoftruth, The answer to both your questions is 'yes' according to JWs, only resurrected people will not be able to marry, children born in paradise will be able to marry.

    Nonjwspouse, that is not a current JW teaching.

  • quellycatface

    What a load of cak.

  • insearchoftruth

    So I guess armageddon is an acceptable reason to allow a witness married to an unbelieving mate the chance to remarry, quite a scriptural divorce!!

  • cultBgone

    Does anyone else find the whole there is a second marriage as someone is widowed...the first mate(s) who died before armageddon is/are resurrected, and no one is upset but they all just live happily ever after....WEIRD??

    And all the illustrations showing happy, happy, happy jws in paradise are couples and families.

    This makes sense how?

  • blondie

    According to WTS, jws married to each other will in theory both survive Armageddon (group survival is the only promise in print). They will continue to be married to each other. Single jws may marry jws that live through Armageddon in a single state or are made single when their non-jw mate is executed.

    If a jw is married to a non-jw, the non-jw will be executed at Armageddon, and the surviving jw can remarry.

    Unofficially, there has been much speculation that marriage will end when the earth is comfortably full of people. Either that or child-bearing will end.

  • Apognophos

    I thought the answer to #2 was no. "They will not be given in marriage", right?

  • NeonMadman

    My understanding was that if a couple was married and survived Armageddon, they would potentially remain married forever, though childbearing would be stopped at some point. This, of course, was why JW girls were so doggone fussy about who they dated. If they married him, they could be stuck with him forever (you know, because Armageddon was so close), so he'd better be a real catch. Anyone who died and was resurrected would never again be able to marry. Single persons who survived Armageddon could probably still marry, but nobody seemed completely sure about that.

  • Laika

    Apog, according to JWs that scripture only applies definitely to people resurrected post Armageddon, JWs who live through Armageddon may be able to marry/remarry.

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