What is the probability of GB once more declaring that Armgeddon is near and the possibilty of R&F (especially those from Third World countries) swallowing it, hook line and sinker?
Well, someone posted here recently that they heard that the GB believes the end really is coming within the next few years. Maybe that's because they are having money troubles and therefore Armageddon "must" come before they run out of money; or perhaps it's just the old "wanting to see the end of the world before you see your own personal end" kind of thing (I think it's the latter).
I don't see them ever setting another date, but of course they have a longstanding habit of dropping little hints that the end is near. But there's no question that if the GB said "The end is coming this year!" or "The end is coming on October 5!", that many JWs would buy into it 100%. They truly believe that the GB has mystical knowledge and that they drop hints about things based on that knowledge. For us, the line "Will this Memorial be our last?" was "tacky", as one member put it, but for many JWs, it was more like, "What do they know?! Are they telling us something?!"