Sin is a false construct by religon to keep people under their control.
Are we all actually "bad / evil / immoral" after leaving the faith?
by stuckinarut2 25 Replies latest jw friends
Band on the Run
I don't believe that people sin. If anyone sins, it is the WT. Humans are basically good. The fine arts interest me. Witness culture has no depth. I would not follow someone's pet dog. It is bizzare that the Witnesses want no questions and college wanted hard questions. I sin large in their eyes. There is no way I can respect them. I wish America had freedom from religion. They are dangerous.
my husband has basically saod the same thing...tbat people who left are mad they couldnt do whatever sinful thing tbey wantd to do....but i disgree completely. i discovefed ttatt before baptism amd have made the choice to not get baptised...and that does not make me a sinner. the true sinneds here are the manipulators playimg with peoples lives and health with thsor crazy interpretations and made up bible stories.
sorry for typos my phone is acting up
The Watch Tower Society indoctrinates people with a belief that they should search for 'truth', then vilifies people who actually do so.
The mechanism of JW shunning through an ambiguous announcement, coupled with the unverifiable assertion that 'most' are 'removed' for 'immorality' is essentially slanderous.
Jeffry! you can only search for their version of truth, not any other version of it...
Funny how happy they are living in a black and white world, where reality is far from that.
Place the WTS. in front of a mirror and you'll really see the evil imposed by men playing god.
How about the tens of thousands who were encouraged and coached to needlessly give up their lives
for simply refusing a blood transfusion or perhaps the breaking apart millions of families,
directly encouraged by the WTS.
Perhaps the endless lying about Christ returning and the end of the world as we know it, simply
orchestrated to stimulate the proliferation of the WTS's own published goods.
If one were to truthfully and honestly look at the WTS/JWS organization, you can nothing but
bad, evil and immorality in a very large ominous way.
Funny how happy they are living in a black and white world, where reality is far from that.
Indeed. But the thing is, not all JWs are happy either. They're told that JWs 'as a group' are 'the happiest people' (and they're told to tell people that JWs are happy), but that gives no consideration to individuals, who are largely beset by the same problems as everyone else (which is 'counteracted' in JW propaganda with the claim that JWs avoid things like drug addiction or unwanted pregnancies [etc], ignoring the fact that a) those problems also exist among JWs and b) not all 'worldly' people live that way either). On top of that are those who only go along with it because they don't want to be shunned.
I don't believe in that crap. I think I'm a better person since I left the WTBS. I don't judge people or think my faith is superior.
I know what God and Jesus think of me and I'm cool with that, thank you.
new hope and happiness
Well by leaving we committed a violation of soverinty against the W.T government. We are therefore guilty of TREASON and from the inside that by definition makes us " bad/ evil/ immorai" . But as we are now on the outside looking in, we see things with a different point of view.
Sin, the definition of sin (concept) and sins (specific acts), is subjective, and as a result, flawed. Being subjective means it will always be affected by cultural biases, power structures, and other influences. *shrug*
Ethics and morality are subjects for philosophical discussion, and sometimes heated debate. It's the responsibility of individuals and by extension, the group, to ensure the weak and the sick are cared for, and decide what the acceptable social norms will be, for said group. So, with exceptions, social mores and constraints & freedoms are constantly in flux (imho).
Once I left religion behind, the concept of sin became murky, and eventually, disappeared from my list of relevant things to concern mysef with.