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Are we all actually "bad / evil / immoral" after leaving the faith?
by stuckinarut2 25 Replies latest jw friends
What I figured out as a teenager is that being a JW doesn't save you from anything. They all have the same issues as anyone else in the world.
What is the definition of 'leaving the faith'?
I was never baptized. I never went out in Serve-Us but I was raised in this crap. Once I left home to go to College I never had any 'bible studies' or went to any meetings or did their Field Serve-Us. I now speak out against the group. Am I an apostate or am I a pseudo-apostate (because I never 'dedicated' myself)?
The other thing I realized is that it's imperative NOT to get baptized. That way, you can never be DF'ed and your family, technically, can still associate with you.
I have not left "the faith" but found it.
I have not left "the truth" but found it.
I have left the apostate and idolatrous religious Watchtower organisation with their GB (Sanhedrin) and their "ruling religious clergy class" (Pharisees).
My experience has been like Paul describes: the power of sin is amplified by law, and weakened by grace.
So many fallacies about the Grace doctrine- you had to be convinced that there was an Adam and Eve, that you inherited their "sins", that an atonement could be paid to some divinity by blood sacrifice. That you need to be "saved".
Dictators always label defectors as evil. It depends on what you believe in. George Washington was a hero, while Benedict Arnold was a treasoness traitor. Why? It just depends on who wins.
Are you bad? It depends on who you ask. If the person you ask is indoctrinated by lies, then who care what they think? Let them have their delusion.
This reminds of my Gay-Bar experience. There were some very nice couples, together for decades. Some would label them as evil. These same persons will blindly support legalistic and hypocritical religions who hide pedophilia. Makes you wonder...
None of us were ever bad or evil to begin with.
We are all perfect in our own way.