Well son got married this weekend,
by jam 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I wasn't looking forward to this event, but it was OK. They
are in love, my son and his wife.
The wedding talk was literally 10 min. No reading from the scriptures,
not a single verse.Maybe because she was married before to a Mormon.
The wedding was held outside in the church court yard and the reception
in the church gym. Everything went well but I still have some concern, I hope
the marriage work.
The big surprise, my ex (pioneer) and her husband (elder) participated in the
wedding. She walked him down the aisle. This was the same woman that gave
up full custody of my son when he was 12 (because of abuse from her) and
he is now 34 years old. She did tell me , you have done a fine job in raising our
son. For the last 15 years my son saw his mom maybe 9-10 times.
It upset me, where were she when he graduated fron high school, when he
graduated in the Coast Guard. She wouldn't even invite him over for dinner because
he stopped going to the meetings when he came to live with me.
Now she is getting older and we are not blown to bits by Jehovah, maybe she
is thinking about past 15 years and trying to make up with my son.
This was a Mormon wedding at the Mormon church. Her folks and she are
devoted Mormons..
No one deserves this pain, and I'd say you're a good person and loving father. I'm sorry.
With you, in hoping for a successful marriage for them, and sending you love and healing thoughts.
Every happiness to them and yourself.
I'm glad your son is still happy, you have clearly worked hard for his happiness. No matter what his mother did or will do she is still his mother. Be happy for your boy, be there for him as you always have.
I always thought Witnesses would be disfellowshipped in they participated in a non-JW church event.......don't weddings count??
This was a Mormon wedding at the Mormon church. Her folks and she are
devoted Mormons..
Then are we to asssume that your son is a devoted Mormon too? In Mormon theology getting marrierd in a Mormon church is a really big deal from what I understand.
Band on the Run
Best Wishes to the couple and you. What a milestone.
I don't know if congratulations is really in order. SO- strength to you. I hope the best for you and yours.