Well son got married this weekend,

by jam 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • KateWild

    Jam, does your son know that the Mormons are a destructive cult? I wish them all the best. Kate xx

  • ruderedhead

    I wish much happiness for your son & his new wife.

    I know you have hurt in your heart. I hope that heals. Did your ex maybe ask to be a part of the wedding? It doesn't make sense. But all the best to you, jam, as well. I hope you have much happiness and joy in your future.

  • Xanthippe

    Jam, sorry this has been a really difficult time for you. You must be exhausted. I'm happy for your son and his wife that they are in love and like you I hope it lasts. Take care, you have had a really hard time but you have raised a fine son.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Jam, From what you have posted, you seem like a real nice guy. I am sure, your son is a son to be proud of.

    Your wife???

    You divorced her and she left her son.

    Nothing else needs to be said. We can fill in the blanks.

    I hope your son and your new daughter in law, have a long and joyous life together, with many babies for you to spoil. : )

    (((Hugs))) to you dear Jam.

    It is not nice to be hurt by those you once loved.

    Take good care of yourself.

    We'll be thinking of you relaxing at the gold course.


    When you need to drive that ball down the fairway, and you really need to wack the guts out of that ball, you know who's head you can imagine on top of that golf tee, right???

    Works for me every time. lol

  • jam

    Thank you all for your support, I'm still in a daze.

    I guess seeing the ex for the first time in over 20 years. LOL

    It will be a hard road for my son and wife, an interracial couple.

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