Ok, so this weeks study article says the following:
“14. How has Jehovah been the Rescuer of his people?
14 The psalmist David sang: “I am helpless and poor; may Jehovah pay attention to me. You are my helper and my rescuer.” (Ps. 40:17) Jehovah has repeatedly been the Rescuer of his people as a group, especially when they have been severely persecuted and relentlessly hounded by their enemies. How thankful we are for God’s help at such times and for the many spiritual provisions he constantly makes for us!
15. Illustrate how a loving father seeks to protect his child.
15 A loving father not only provides for his children but also seeks to protect them. He would naturally try to rescue them if they were in danger. One brother remembers a specific incident that occurred when he was just a young boy. He and his father were returning home from the field service when their path took them across a stream. A heavy downpour that morning had caused the brook to flood. The only way to cross the water was to jump from one large stone to another. Going ahead of his father, the boy lost his footing on one of the stones[…]”
Excerpt From: WATCHTOWER. “The Watchtower, February 15, 2014.”
So the question is, how about those who have lost their lives in theocratic activities, or been attacked and killed in acts of violence in this world?
Were they not worth saving?
We can't have it both ways....either god protects his people or he doesn't! Oh, as a group is supposed to be different?