This weeks study article.....seriously flawed and insensitive reasoning

by stuckinarut2 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stuckinarut2

    I posted that opening thread while sitting at the meeting. Now for more info:

    You should have heard all the answers from the audience about how jehovah saves and protects his the picture of the nazi camp brothers in the study article showed...

    Answerers said things like " jehovah protected his people in the nazi camps etc...just like the picture is showing"

    WTF...? I was so close to answering, "but what about those witnesses in the camps that were killed???"

    seriously, witnesses are batshit crazy to not see the contradictions in front of their faces!

  • cultBgone

    Remember the often used illustration of the sheep in the pen? Those younger and less mature ones who strayed too close to the fence were always going to be snatched away and eaten by wolves!!! So don't even go near the fence or you'll die!!!

    Yes, everyone in the world is waiting for you jws so they can snatch you away and drag you down...NOT. The most caring folks do NOT live inside the wts fence! You want kindness, generosity, goodness of spirit? Just talk to your worldly neighbor or workmate, or the good folks here on JWN.

    The world is not like but more like

  • eyeuse2badub

    I guess that the 22 brothers and sisters in the Phillipines that died BECAUSE THEY WERE IN A KH during the huge typhoon don't count. WTF were they doing at a meeting when there was a catagory 8 storm bering down on them. No protection at all by being at the KH. The KH was right in the path of the typhoon. Oh well "Listen, Obey, and be Drown"

    just saying


  • Imminent1975

    How about the two Ministerial Training School graduates in 1990-91 that went to their assignment in Ghana and within the first week one was shot by police and the other died after only a few days in prison after being arrested. It took the local brothers weeks to find the imprisioned brother and when they did they were told he was dead. From what I remember, the one in prison probably died because of dehydration from drinking the untreated polluted drinking water.

    So from I gather from other experiences is that even individuals that are sponsored by the "group" are not protected. Question: So why even bring the subject up? Oh, it's a cult.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Women in critical condition after dog attack

    Tulsa police credit a man who distracted and shot a dog that brutally attacked two women Tuesday morning with saving their lives.

    The women suffered "extensive dog bite wounds to their faces, arms and legs" and were transported by EMSA to St. John Medical Center, Officer Leland Ashley said. One of the victims, Irene Parker, 78, underwent extensive surgery that took four hours.

    The other victim was a 43-year-old woman whose name has not been released. Both women were in critical condition Tuesday night.

    Levi Moore, an elder at the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witnesses at 2626 N. Lewis Ave., said the women were volunteers who walked door-to-door ministering and distributing religious literature.


    Please note that Jehovah™ did nothing to protect these two JW women in the ministry; an evil, "worldly" man did !!!

    So much for the saving power of Jehovah™, King Douchebag of The Universe.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Tragic death leaves 'irreplaceable gap'

    "The family of a Christchurch man killed when he was hit by a truck while delivering Jehovah's Witnesses pamphlets....

    Church elder Rob Taylor said the pamphlets Smith was delivering invited people to a celebration memorial of the death of Jesus on Tuesday, the same day as the Jewish Passover."

    - © Fairfax NZ News


    *** Jehovah Cares for You ***
    Are you convinced of Jehovah’s saving power? Are you aware of his angelic protection? Have you personally tasted and seen that Jehovah is good? When was the last time that you were particularly conscious that Jehovah had been good to you? Try to recall. Was it at that last home you visited in the ministry, just as you were feeling you could do no more? -W 02 10/15 pp. 17-18 par. 16

    *** How Angels Can Help You ***
    Do angels care for people and protect them? The apostle Paul asked: "Are they [angels] not all spirits for public service, sent forth to minister for those who are going to inherit salvation?" (Hebrews 1:14) Clearly, the answer to Paul’s question is yes.-W 98 11/15 p. 6


  • Prefect

    I thought the picture / photo on page 19 in todays study was insensitive.

    Group of consentration camp prisioners in clean striped prision clothing all looking healthy and well fed.

    Guarded by two Nazis.

    AND were did the get the Nazi uniforms and the rifle from.


  • BluesBrother

    Yeah but at least they were "strengthened " to die faithful. That means that they get a ressurrection, so the moment they die, they are as good as in the New World..........(That is what my blinkered dub family would say)

    People like us miss what protection is all about. It is obviously not physical protection of a Witnesses' life. It means being granted the resolve to stand firm when the Nazi soldier is beating you - then with your bruised and beaten body you can carry on serving Jehovah - isn't that a blessing ! (or not )

  • LogCon

    Prefect said "...I thought the picture / photo on page 19 in todays study was insensitive."

    The purple triangles are just TOO clean and bright. [WT propaganda and fantasy]

    Purple triangles, AND clothes, tattered, torn, dirty [Reality]

    The dog doesn't look like an SS Nazi dog that's watching the ones he's trained to attack. He looks like he just had a big meal and is ready for a nap.

    Prefect also said , " ... AND were did the get the Nazi uniforms and the rifle from."

    The photo is an digital artists rendering, though real subjects would have posed.


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