What do you do when your job makes you wanna puke your face off?

by Julia Orwell 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I'm talking like makes you physically sick and emotionally frazzled just thinking about it. I'm talking like you hate it to the point you'd rather go without than work at it just for the money. You'd live on cheap Korean packet noodles for the next year instead of exchanging your labor for this job's money.

    Well, this is how I feel about teaching and tutoring. It makes me curl up in a ball in a dark room. I've been working in tourism but the season is over and there's no more work. I've been applying for admin jobs, which is another industry in which I have skills as well as customer service type roles. I get the odd interview or two each week, but nothing yet. There is so little reputable work in my city it's ridiculous, and the listings shrink every day.

    So I keep tutoring as it's my most marketable skill, but I hate, hate, hate teaching of all types with a deep loathing and want to get out of it so badly I even considered door to door sales (13years a jw publisher certainly qualifies me!). Of course I won't do it, cuz I hate that too, and anything jw -like repulses me. Now, we have some savings in the bank, enough for me to live off til the tourism season picks up. People tell me however that I should just suck it up and keep teaching. They just don't understand how detrimental it is for my health though, and how much I feel like I'm walking to my own funeral when I walk into a student's house or classroom full of kids. What to do!

    It's a nasty cycle. Teaching makes me depressed (clinically; have all the Dr reports) and when I'm depressed I find it hard to focus on my book or art or even more studies, things that may get me out of this rut. Yet when I'm not teaching I'm looking for other work. Not difficult work, but middling type of work. I believe certain work is beneath me, like anything jw-like. I also have a chronic condition meaning a lot of physical work is off limits.

    Has anyone here ever been in such a bind? What to do?

  • Mum

    If you have clerical skills, you might be able to work for a temp agency. There are many such agencies in the U.S., and I have worked for them many times when I was between jobs. You could also make up business cards with a list of your skills and distribute them. Is there a state employment agency where you live? They sometimes have networking meetings, at least here in the U.S. We also have networking clubs. If you have enough money, doing temporary work might give you enough to tide you over until it's tourist season again.

    Do you live near a college? If so, you might take some classes to learn a new skill. They might also be able to administer vocational interest tests to determine what type of employment you are suited for.

    I hope these suggestions can get you started toward something you really like.

    Best wishes!

  • zound

    Maybe try studying? We have it pretty good in Aus with the subsidies etc.

  • zebagain

    I have had work like that. A class room of kids.. I can feel your reason. and you feel the same teaching just one or two in a home. The word burnout comes to mind. Please check your diet and any supplements you take. Please consider giving yourself a treat of a full body massage.

    Dont go to Age-care it is hard in every way and the pay is tragic. apx $18-00 ph.

  • KateWild

    Hi Julia,

    I have worked in places where it has made me feel sick before I was a JW. I have social skills problems due to my ASD, and sometimes at work people would not treat me fairly and I would get "managed" out of my posts. They made it an unbearable work environment for me.

    Sometimes I would get a new job and other time I would suck it up. Once I even got sacked for scrupulous reasons, people complained about me and got me the sack.

    At present my daughter hates her job too. I think now days work is hard to come by and employers expect more of us than they used to 50 years ago. The workplace used to be a more layed back place with little or no bureacracy. Employees were not as overworked as they used to be.

    I thought that teaching was quite a rewarding career, my son wants to be a teacher. What exactly about teaching is it that makes you feel ill?

    I could be possible that working full time could be having a detrimental effect on you. Since you left WT which could have caused you to have derpression, maybe you are not fully recovered. You may be suffering some residual effects from WT. It takes time to heal, and WT abused you and took advantage of you.

    Kate xx

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    You got that right!! One of my problems because of that is that my confidence is shot to pieces. The thought of certain jobs makes me feel the same way I'd feel if I had to go to a kingdom hall: a mix of trepidation, anxiety, stress and disgust.

  • Heaven

    So Julia, maybe start with defining what it is you WANT to do and go from there. Any ideas?

  • KateWild

    One of my problems because of that is that my confidence is shot to pieces.-Julia

    Me and my daughter feel the same way. We used to be so confident and out going. I am very weary of trusting people now, so that is inhibiting me from making new friends and moving on. My daughter told me a few weeks ago that she is lacking in confidence too.

    I think it's the way we get treated after we leave has a detrimant effect on how we comminicate in the future. I suppose it takes time to build up our confidence levels. It seems like a good idea for a thread, maybe some xJWs who have been out for many years went through a period of time building their confidence and can help us with some advice.

    I am so isolated, I come here on JWN far too much and shut myself off from people. I know this is unhealthy and I want to volunteer, but taking the first step has been challenging, I don't want to be taken advantage of agiain or be betrayed again. I am also struggling with other personal issues that I only feel comfortable talking about on JWN.

    I might start a thread Julia look out for it.

    Take care, my thoughts are with you. Kate xx

  • Heaven

    Julia, do you wanna swap jobs? I think I'd love to teach and tutor. Doubt very much you'd want my job. I keep this pic as a reminder that my job could be worse :


  • cultBgone

    Julia, sounds like you indeed need a break. Your body is telling you so.

    Rather than worrying about the future, could you make the decision to take at least one or two months off and RELAX? If you have some savings, use them to benefit yourself at this important time.

    Continuing to do anything that makes you physically ill won't improve your life but will make it worse. Taking time for yourself at home seems a better choice than continuing to struggle and ending up ill, or even unable to work at all. It doesn't matter that other well-meaning people tell you their job is worse, or they think your job is great, because they aren't in your skin.

    Give yourself permission to breathe, dear girl! It's okay. You're allowed. You need time to heal.

    When you feel better, perhaps you could find work to do from home, which allows you more control over your life. Lots of options, but put that aside for now and focus on YOU.

    Lots and lots of ((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))) and wishes for peace in your heart.


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