IDK. It's important to have money coming in- watching your bank account constantly falling is really depressing. I guess the answer is: find out what you really want to do, be really good at it- the best of the best, lol- and change the job to suit yourself so you are happy. I've always taken jobs that nobody else wanted, so I've had the freedom to swear, smoke, and curse the boss- because the boss couldn't find anyone else to take my place, lol.
What do you do when your job makes you wanna puke your face off?
by Julia Orwell 35 Replies latest jw friends
Julia ... have you defined exactly what it is...
that you don't like about teaching?
Hate the hours, you hate kids, hate getting up in
the morning, the paper work, the union....what?
To me, work is pretty "life & death", something that
is a need...not necessarily a want.
If you really have to work & there is nothing else
right now....then maybe start viewing the job in a
different light! And yes...I have puked my face off.
Have you thought of going into business for yourself? Since you have savings and can eventually do the tourism, it would be a way to bridge the gap without selling your soul. I had a very good job as a systems analyst/programmer, but my company went bust. At 48 I didn't really see myself sitting in a cubicle writing code for the rest of my career, plus with no degree my experience was too industry specific to qualify me for anything. I had always had a side business, so I did that. It's been up and down financially, but it is my passion and my husband us 100% supportive and we can survive on his income, so it has worked out. I do all the housework, cooking, etc., He pays the bills, the business is fun money. Due to health issues, I can only work at it part time, but it's nice to be able to take time off as needed with out the demands if an employer.
Is there something you have always dreamed of doing, something that feeds your soul? Or maybe an idea you have for a product or service that you think would be successful. It's not for the faint of heart, and its vital that you research.
I agree about burnout -- maybe read up on burnout on the internet and start doing things to refresh yourself and build energy. Exercising outside every day is good for you and free.
I also agree about self-employment. I have been out of the wtbts for more than 30 years. I had no job skills when I got out, was cleaning houses for a living. I went to a trade school and learned a skill and made my living through self-employment. It has its ups and downs, but working for yourself is a darn sight better than working for someone else at a job you hate.
It took me some time to feel grounded and to know how to run my life after the wtbts, but it worked out eventually. I definitely recommend counseling -- I went to a psychologist and it made all the difference for me. It gave me boundaries, goals, ways to interact with other people and an understanding of how what I had been through affected my behavior.
Julia, maybe you can use your time off from the tourism job to explore some form of self-employment. Look around and see what the needs are -- maybe some of those tourists who own houses in your area need someone like you to look after their houses during the off-season when they aren't there? How to combine teaching and tourism? Maybe start taking burned-out teachers on retreats. I know a nurse who started that, she has been taking other nurses on retreats for 30 years now. Originally she did retreats in beautiful locations with lots of continuing-education classes so that nurses could combine continuing education with some relaxation and self-nourishment. Nowadays she still mostly draws customers from nursing, but they do lots of retreats to so-called "magical" places, things to do with King Arthur, for instance.
Kate, I'm sure you and your daughter would get some help from counseling to raise your confidence. Is it a possibility? I was amazed at how much it helped me. When I got out of the wtbts I was pretty beaten-down and depressed. I had pretty much given up on life, but that actually was a good thing. I got going again in a different direction with the help of my psychologist and some anti-depressant med, as well as some training in a new skill.
You've been given some pretty good advice here. I hope you can find what makes you happy and get your confidence back.
But as a Mom with someone still in school, I'm asking you to stop teaching and tutoring if you hate it so much it makes you ill. You cannot possibly be giving the students your best, and, especially if your being paid, they deserve someone who WANTS to be there doing the job! I know there are others who feel the way you do about teaching, and believe me, usually the kids know you aren't into the job, but are simply collecting a paycheck.
You deserve to be happy, and the kids deserve someone who actually cares. I hope you find what you want soon, and can put the wt trauma as far behind you as possible. All the best to you!
Re: What do you do when your job makes you wanna puke your face off?
- Take care of self.
- Purge.
- Leave job & find another.
Not necessarily in that order.
Life is too short to put up with job-puking BS for too long.
Band on the Run
I walked out. People were begging me to stop the job. There was evil. Nothing is worth losing your health. One of my mds wanted to call an ambulance b/c I was hyperventilating. The Witnesses and my parents taught me that I was too bad for normal things. In a few years, I was wined and dined. I was the same person.
Julia Orwell
One of the things I don't like about the job is the responsibility, like the mum above many teachers are there for the money only and don't care about the kids. I do care about the kids, which is why I get stressed because I can't give them the best they deserve. Time to walk away.
Self employment is a great idea. I sell some art on eBay every now and then (to see my stuff, go to Facebook and search "Art by Sheree Stokell) and I take in some proofreading for uni students via email. I don't get a liveable income from these thing, but I could always invest more time into them now I have some more time on my hands. these are also things I can do from home.
Thanks all for your support. It is a depressing time right now to be so aimless, but I'm glad it's not just me. The wt has a lot to be blamed for. Not for all of it, but a lot.
Aunt Fancy
Years ago I had a job that paid well but the owner was a real A hole and was terrible to work for and he had a terrible time keeping employees. I signed a 6 month contact and as soon as the 6 months were up I quit. I was a nervous wreck and I told myself I would never stay in a job that caused me so much stress and took my health from me even if the money is good.
i would try to promote your artwork more and see if you could make ends meet doing something you love. There is a book called "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson and it is excellent for helping you gain your self confidence back.
You are still young and it is easier to change your field of work now instead of waiting until you are older. Is there something you can do in your field that would be less stressful. Maybe you could get into something different with just a few credits. I would also consider talking to a career counselor to see what your options are with your current education.
label licker
Julia, you have alot going on there. Girl, you have some talent. I was just on your facebook and thought why not a part time art teacher? Could you not open a little studio maybe a few nights or days a week teaching art? Just curious. We live in a touristy town where there's a farmers market in one close town and the same vendors rent shops along the river in two other towns that join together. Could you not take your art even to a market and set up booth with your business cards as well. Over here we have the largest market in Canada along with every town having a market. The booth will cost thirty-five dollars to start and if you need more space then you pay more dollars. Everyone does well here from all the butchers to the flower lady to even the coffee stands. Just a thought. We did the markets for a while along with our shop.
Can people send in pictures of their pets or properties, portraits or whatever and get you to do up a picture for them?