Hey Guys,
Did not connect the way it was suppose to. Sorry.
by Pureheart 29 Replies latest social current
Hey Guys,
Did not connect the way it was suppose to. Sorry.
The guy is very smooth and this is well worth the listen. Quite revealing as to how the WT is conducting themselves these days.
-They project the membership to double by 2020 (lol)
-Interesting how he refuses to speculate on a specific time limit for the "last days" but when the interviewer implies that the end could last "thousands" of years he is quick to dismiss that possibility.
-An absolutely blatant lie stating they don't discourage voting or civic participation and that this is a personal decision that each person makes for themselves.
-Funny how no one can get the name of this religion correct.. lol Even the interviewer says "Jehovah Witness"
-Blood transfusions are personal decisions
-Some have gotten the "impression" that the end was going to come at certain times, in response to a caller who raised the matter of their false predictions.
All in all, it looks like they intend to be more evasive and deceptive than ever. Those who remain in this thing are really going to kick themselves one day. Sad.
This link worked for me: [url] http://stream.realimpact.net/?file=realimpact/wnyc/raotl/otl051002d.ra[/url]
Thanks for the link. It worked for me - I just listened to it, and unfortunately it isn't much of an interview.
Brown stated that voting and flag saluting were matters of individual choice and defended "god's law" on blood. No one asked what the consequences would be to a JW who exercised their "individual choice" to vote or salute the flag. The Interviewer did mention that the ranks of the JWs are expected to double by 2020.
The interview is almost 18 minutes and I captured into an MP3 file (12.3 MB) if someone wants to host it, I'll email it to them via my 56K modem. Armageddon will be here before it finishes uploading.
Why of course voting, flag saluting and blood transfusions are matter of personal choice. We all know that. When you choose to do one of those, you are choosing to remove yourself from the JWs, that's all.
They view doing any of those as publicly declaring yourself no longer a JW. However, they conveniently forget to mention that part to anyone else.
Just another example of their less than honest approach to the public. But, why would we expect them to change now?
Why of course voting, flag saluting and blood transfusions are matter of personal choice. We all know that. When you choose to do one of those, you are choosing to remove yourself from the JWs, that's all.
I totally agree. goes for every one of their ridiculous "laws"
Hey Guys,
Hey Pathofthorns, thank you for posting the link. I went into it and yours worked for me. I don't know what I did to mine. I listened to it. God, it reminded me of sitting in the kingdom hall in a captured condition again, listening to them beating around the bush and dodging the issues presented to them.
I found the link on one of JW sites. First time that I heard JR Brown talk. ooooooooooooo
WOW! I just listened to this propaganda "interview again and real carefully. Heinrich Himmler would be proud of this guy for the spin he puts together. Below is the answer to a caller that mentions 7 or more failed prophecies of the Watchtower since 1911 or so;
"It may well be that in the past we have been very anxious for that to occur and maybe in our eagerness and enthusiasim some have gotten the impression that we were referring to a specific date and making direct prophecy that on a certain day and time certain events would occur. This hasn't been the case as far as determining a particular day a particular hour and a particular time. We have enthusiastically maybe anticipated it to come before now and that is normal. Even the Disciples of Jesus in their enthusiasm and desire to see the messiah felt is was going to happen before it did."
See, they never set any times for the end to come, but it is perfectly normal to preach that a nonspecific return of Christ and the battle of armageddon was most likely to happen between some future date that we have figured out it was supposed to happen on.
Makes perfect sense to me.
Thanks for the link. That was interesting to listen to—and hauntingly familiar.
of the "some have gotten the impression class"
I'm shaking my head here.
With respect to saluting the flag, JR Brown says: 'We respect the things for which [the flag] symbolizes'.
The very next caller asks a question about blood transfusions, JR Brown replies that each JW 'makes a personal decision to respect God's law' and "blood is sacred", "it represents [symbolizes!!] life".
So in respecting the flag, JWs are permitted to pay their taxes, uphold the laws of the land, and be exemplary citizens (at least in public). But in order to respect life that is symbolized by blood, it's ok to break the laws of the land, and deny life to those who need blood in order to maintain their survival??
It's unreal the way this guy avoided being honest with the interviewer and the callers who had questions of him. Kudos to "Charles from Rockland County" for getting through TWICE and asking tough questions.
Love, Scully