Crock of Shit!!!
JR Browns live interview
by Pureheart 29 Replies latest social current
This guy is so slick!
He should have been one of Clinton's attorneys. -
I only lasted a couple of minutes. Same old crap.
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On -
Oh why couldn't a caller have asked about the United Nations and the NGO requirements not changing since 1992?
Listeners should try to place themselves in the shoes of members of the general public who know nothing as to the details/specifics of JW teachings, and then ask yourself whether such a listener really received an honest, straight-forward understanding of such JW teachings from the WTS's main spokesperson.
Then ask yourself whether JR Brown most closely imitates Jesus Christ or the "Angel of Light"?
Used Car and Snake Oil Salespersons could use this tape in training sessions.
JR Brown's responses reminded me of the many recent interviews of various Palestinian spokespersons who NEVER provide the interviewer with a direct, completely truthful answer.
This tape should be given prominent distribution as an example of the WTS's DECEPTIVE MEANS of delivering their message.
Any JW that could listen to this tape, and then refuse to acknowledge that their main spokesperson intentionally deceived his audience, has not an honest bone in their body.
How do the angels resist "bitch-slapping" this sorry piece of scum?
How do the angels resist "bitch-slapping" this sorry piece of scum?
Uh, you know this little thing called armegeddon that they continually preach to all? I wouldn't doubt the angels are lining up for it just to bitch slap him and all the governing body members!
Imagine, all their doom and gloom directed at others, and it will be they who receive the destruction istead.
I can only hope their final thought will be either all the honest hearted ones they booted out, or memories of JR director of propganda Browns interviews.
Was this a radio interview? What station? I live in the NYC area, so don't be afraid to give call letters of the station.
I'd love to be able to nail this guy down with questions rather than letting him dance around issues like he did in this interview.
"Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
[Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"] -
I think he answered the questions adequately. You have to remember they were limited by time and could not widen the range of topics. I believe the interview was only 17 or 18 minutes. It is hard to have a debate in that amount of time. The interviewer did a good job in being open minded and asking questions to clarify the Witness view. J.R. Brown simply answered the questions presented to him by the callers. He did not volunteer further information, just went straight to the point.
One more "new" apologist.
Forget the movie, get real. You watching too much tv.