I have had my fill. Yes to each his own. I would not stop unless I knew the person at the trolley. Then I would stop to be kind and say hello (chin held high) I would make a comment about how things have changed; I would ask them casually where their Bibles are. After their answer I'd say "really? Wow." and be on my way.
JW Witnessing Trolleys. To approach or ignore what is your preference and why?
by KateWild 59 Replies latest jw experiences
Thanks so much for your responses, ans experiences. At the moment it's cathertic for me to approach them when I can. I want the local JWs that I will not adhere to shunning rules, and talk to them on stands.
I saw the CBOE's wife in the supermarket, I looked her in the eye and said "Hi XXX How are you?" She looked straight back at me and ignored me. That's her perogative, but if she was standing at a trolley it would be impossible for them to ignore me as it is situated in a place where there are lots of pedestrians. I will always be civil and just tell them why I have left, and try and plant seeds.
Kate xx
I was recently traveling, on vacation in Costa Rica. In La Foutuna, very small town in North Central CR I saw The Trolly! I had read here on JWN about the trolly but never seen it in WA State or anywhere in the US. All the literature was in Spanish and the two Jdubs attending were just as most you discribe, just chatting between themselves. It was a busy Town Square and no one approached them the whole time we were walking about taking pictures of the foutain and scupltures there. I was a little flustered by their presence so did not think to take a picture, sorry.
i'm all for it---its a win-win situation.
for the dubs---no door knocking--no need to talk to anyone--just keep an eye on the stand in case anyone steals it--or urinates on it.
for the public--no annoying door knockers---just walk past the stand--ignore it--and no-one will pester you.
everyones a winner !
On June 10th 2016, I was having a great conversation with two JW sisters and the husband of one of the women. After the women went for a break, another JW approached me and suggested I contact JW.org or seek a Bible study in my own area if I was looking for answers. He said that the policy, on the street was that they didn't have to answer any questions but just tell people where to go for further information. This took place in Bristol, England, UK.
I've never had any JW do this before. Is this now the new standard for street evangelism for JWs???