Dear freaking god Oceans, are you really trying to tie the current economic system in with Revelation? And I suppose you have special knowledge that is much better than the GB's or the other fundy preachers who spew Revelation meaning nonsense. WTF??? Is this a joke or did you mean this nonsense? Everyone else's failed predictions and prophecies about the 7 kings aside, YOU have special knowledge about what it all means? Geesh. I really need to leave this site. I can't freaking believe you just posted this crap.
LOL, I am talking global financial projections, not really "prophecy", just some gloablization basics. Point out the "crap" and your rationale if you got it.
One does not need to be Christian or a Jehovah's witness to understand the Bible does contain a generalized flow of dynastic and eventual national power HISTORIES from Egypt past the Romans. It does not take a geo-political genius to understand the REALITY of the Anglo-American national alliance and it's scope of world power. And it does not take a genius to understand the UN does contain a schematic "charter" that is basically a world government framework. (Even Ron Paul clearly understands what the UN is about and some of his bills address this sovereign issue in detail; H.R. 1146).
I appeal to historical trends that just happen to also be well documented HISTORICALLY in the Bible, most of it is not "prophecy" any longer, Rome did fall in case you haven't heard.
So given these basic distinctions of national ascendancy producing international power systems required to maintain the real global power structure between the nations, it is common knowledge to many people that international governmental power differs from the nation-state power system.
It is not "conspiracy theory" either, globalization is a very real, complex and extremely powerful FORCE in world power development. The nation-state power system decline is the final ascendant prerequisite of international government. It will be REQUIRED, not an option, world government will be NECESSARY. It is the way man has been going for quite a while. Like crystalization, globalization is forming on a guiding structure, not in thin air.
So it is not "Revelation" that contains the basic dynamic that the world will see a true world government and it will be the only source of world recovery and the final financial engine and most importantly it's true wealth holder (not debt, not income, but WEALTH). And that is already in international power hands, and that mass will attarct more consolidation, it too is in the math of the system, it is formulaic and established.
It is no accident the Asain ascendancy is accelerated and eclipsing the Anglo system - but ONLY the Anglo nation-state systems of the EU and US, the globalizing system is only getting more powerful by the national decline into astronomical debt, and in the booms of emerging economies, BOTH developments empower the international power system, win, win, win, period. Like the house always winning, the global wealth house is internationalist and will win, win or lose, they win, it is programmed into the Brit elite math genius running the now global established finance/investment engine.
They are in a win-win situation, and everything in the world is pushing in their favor, and I mean EVERYTHING, including ignorance.
So appealing to a historic framework (not a "prophecy" per se, but mostly history now) in the Bible, a historical timeline many other people consider true in addition to JWs, and the basic wold government logic and inevitability, the basic engine of globalist ascension I outlined is affirming the US and EU national finance systems must collapse first, and must be recovered first, and the BRICS (and everyone else) will follow the orbit of that dominant national EU/US decline and eventually the ascension/recovery by international power systems as well.
It is basic in the globalism of financial power that the recovery will be international in scope, is required, will produce a globalized finance/monetary model applied and eventual full system, and will produce the main sovereign wealth momentum towards globalized hands, and the national model must follow that sovereign transferrence of real power: wealth leads EVERYTHING else, not debt, not income, but real WEALTH, GLOBAL wealth.
(Many purely secular researchers also know this basic power engine is active now in the world)
The nation-state actual wealth basis is what is being compromised, and the BRICS will be the third system, after the USSR and USA/EU to also follow suit in this trajectory in less than 3 decades from 1990. Now we could replace "7th King" with collective nation-state power, and 8th King with globalist ascending power, BUT it is the same story, it is a real world dynamic clearly recognized by forward thinking globalization analysts.
(Now as far as Bethel, they never heard of the word "globalization", so it is not hard for even a conspiracy theorist to out-project Bethel's Neanderthals, they live in a perpetual 1976)
With all due respect, you need to spend more time at GlobalResearch.ca (or in Google researching) and less time worrying about the future, IMO. These are basics, the model described is IN THE WORLD SYSTEM, it's as good as a done deal, it is not just the historic national progression of the Bible. Most of it is history now. No one refutes the Babylonians did exist for example, it is in the Bible, but it is also history, and in like manner world government will also become history. Both just happen to be in the Bible's historic record. Ever read Genesis 11 for example? Think that's a fairy tale? It is not really "prophecy" it is history live and realtime if we are paying attention to just the basic power shift in the world system towards inevitable NEED of a true world government, and that national progression that founded it.
It makes sense, and is intuitve! LOL
I really did not appeal to any prophecy that is not already present (as history) in this global power shift as a pretty easy to see historic projection of a mappable trajectory to international government, shoot, it is plain logic. This is not brain surgery here. If you survive the coming decade, you will eventually see a UN world government super-structure and a real world peace and recovery that it will be the only means of achieving for the nation-state systems at that time. The financial element transformation we plainly see peaking now, will drive the rest of the engine worldwide, and it will start in the US/EU national level systems as far as the financial aspect - the military aspect is open to speculation.
Even the "prophet" Ron Paul agrees with that much in principle.
1. You cannot point out the "crap" without rationale,
2. Geez, everyone is talking about this. "Special knowledge" is available from many researchers and globalists who have already written about world government based on globalized finance for about 100 years now. Other angles of explanation are also offered.
You won't learn this at most universities until after world government is a done deal. You need to educate yourself now-a-days (Google can help), the nation-state is not built on "special knowledge", and that is part of the reason it is going down as a real "power" system.
I'll bet you $100 you will see world government in 7 to 14 years from the main financial implosion of the US/EU finance system. By then the USDollar won't be worth quite as much as it is now, to say the least. Make that bet 100 in UNGC's, UN global currency, virtual gold wafers.
I am just connecting a few dots here. The dots are already there.