It's still technically illegal on a federal level. Maybe they'll use that reasoning. Personally I am all for it, for those that enjoy it. I will probably never try it again!
See below for personal experience....not related to WT actions or thread.
About 6 months ago a buddy of mine at work had some pot brownies his GF made. I said I was curious and would like to try it. He gave me one, instructing me to eat about 1/4 first. Well, dumb-a$$ ME ignores that, and eats a good half (having never done it before...good JW in HS) about 1 hr later I was feeling ok, then within about 20 min my heart rate sky rocketed to about 175 bpm. My arms and legs were tingling and I was feeling a little dizzy. I was really scarred. Fortunately my wife was not home, so I called a non-JW relative close by, and they took me to the urgent care clinic.
My heart had worked itself into a weird rhythm (forgot the name) I was there for about 2 hours until they got it under control. During that time the buzz or high I got was not was a weird feeling, I never again want to experience. I was hoping for a nice euphoric percocet-like buzz.