Actually the 1993 Proclaimers book says:
*** jv chap. 13 pp. 180-181 Recognized by Our Conduct ***
For many years that counsel seemed to suffice. But as tobacco companies used advertising to glamorize smoking, and then abuse of “illegal” drugs became widespread, more was needed. Other Bible principles were highlighted: respect for Jehovah, the Giver of life (Acts 17:24, 25); love for neighbor (Jas. 2:8), and the fact that a person who does not love his fellowman does not really love God (1 John 4:20); also obedience to secular rulers (Titus 3:1). It was pointed out that the Greek word phar·ma·ki ′ a, which basically signifies “druggery,” was used by Bible writers to refer to “practice of spiritism” because of the use of drugs in spiritistic practices.—Gal. 5:20.
*** jv chap. 13 p. 181 Recognized by Our Conduct ***
As a further forward step in consistent application of that Bible counsel, none who were still smoking were accepted for baptism from 1973 onward. During the following months, those who were actively involved in tobacco production or in promoting the sale of tobacco were helped to realize that they could not continue to do that and be accepted as Jehovah’s Witnesses. The counsel of God’s Word must be applied consistently in every aspect of life. Such application of Bible principles to the use of tobacco, marijuana, and the so-called hard drugs has protected the Witnesses. With the use of the Scriptures, they have also been able to help many thousands of persons whose lives were being ruined by drug abuse.
It is not just smoking that is forbidden by the WTS but the use of tobacco, including chewing tobacco.
*** w73 6/1 p. 338 pars. 12-13 Keeping God’s Congregation Clean in the Time of His Judgment ***
This raises, however, the question of consistency as regards accepting for baptism persons still using tobacco. They too are enslaved to a harmful product, whether by smoking, chewing or snuffing it. Consider what a report in Science World of April 9, 1973, says:
“The drug . . . that causes the addiction is nicotine. . . . Within a minute or two after a person ‘takes a drag’ on a cigarette, nicotine is present in the brain. But 20 to 30 minutes after the ‘last drag,’ most of the nicotine has left the brain for other organs . . . . This is just about the time when the smoker needs another cigarette. . . . When there is no nicotine, the body ‘hungers’ for it. So much so that the body sometimes becomes ‘sick’ without it. Withdrawal symptoms—a sick feeling—begin. . . . Some of these symptoms are drowsiness, headaches, stomach upsets, sweating, and irregular heart beats.”