BITING THE FOOD but getting caught on the HIDDEN HOOK

by Terry 14 Replies latest social current

  • Terry

    What happened to all of us?

    We got shit out the ass end of a Kingdom hall wondering what the hell happened to us.

    We started our journey as believer in the Bible and got turned into a steaming pile of Apostate Crap.

    How did it happen?

    We smelled delicious "food" and bit, chewed and swallowed . . . we were caught by a HIDDEN HOOK!

    A number of years back . . .

    I started questioning the conflicts in my life.

    Conflict contains a hidden hook.

    Questioning the hidden hook allows the problem and the controversy to appear.

    Like a fish looking at a worm wriggling in the water. Food looks yummy. The fish bites the worm and---suddenly---YANK!

    The fish is gutted, pan-fried, eaten and pooped out the end of some fisherman who had baited a HIDDEN HOOK.

    Go back to the start and look at what we bit into!

    Sniff that Bible a bit longer. Nudge it with your nose before you bite.

    Maybe the Bible itself is the hook.

    What if it contains man's words and not God's?

    Man's ideas . . . man's fantasy . . .

    Wouldn't this explain why so many decent people can't agree . . . can't get along . . . each thinks they are right and others are wrong?

    THE BIBLE may be the HOOK.

    Maybe so-called "divine Truth" is human ideas of what God's ideas should be!

    Imagine how many arguments vanish instantly if :

    the Bible is just an assembly of man's myths, MIXED with folk history, hallucinations, philosophy and constant interpetations?

    Aren't the following statements facts?

    1.We don't have a chain of custody for scripture. Evidence must have chain of custody to prevent TAMPERING.

    No Provenance? Trying selling a painting as "original" without a provenance!

    2.We don't have any ORIGINAL writings. Nothing exists that is original!

    We don't even have first generation copies..

    3.Men need to PROVE THEIR OPINION. Using a Holy Book to persuade people is a powerful tool.

    Just look at the New World Translation as an example. Amazing how many previously translated words and phrases CHANGED TO MATCH JW belief system, isn't it?

    How would any of the non-JW translations have escaped similar AMAZING CHANGES in interpretation?

    4.There is no AUTHORITY without the BIBLE in Christianity unless you pretend God speaks directly to you.

    Every RELIGIOUS LEADER looks to the Bible to prove his own beliefs and will convince YOU if you accept the Bible and his interpretation.

    Go to any religious bookstore.

    How many commentaries contain OPINIONS and INTERPRETATIONS from the Bible? How many AGREE with each other?

    The Bible is a fragile and malleable HIDDEN HOOK.

    Men use it to CONVINCE other men . . . and to imprison them inside their circle of authority.

    SO MANY EX-JW'S simply bite off somebody else's ideas and get hooked after leaving the Watch Tower religion.

    None of us has escaped being yanked out of the water, panfried, eaten and pooped again!

    We are a steaming pile of Apostate crap in the opinion of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

    How did we get here?

    WE CHOMPED DOWN on the Hidden Hook.

    When will you learn to examine the hook itself before biting????

    Have you since been yanked out of the water YET AGAIN?

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    I have looked at the Book and have determined that it is indeed a hook.

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    Terry, you have such great, thinking threads. You must be fascinating to listen to at parties. I especially like your point about the provenance as I recently joined an art history book club.

    It's interesting to me to see how so many Americans remain extreme believers. If you keep reading science books and questioning, it seems you naturally realize the bible is just a book. The trend I see where people put more blind faith than ever in the Bible and use it to hold back rights for others is deeply disturbing.

    Men use it to CONVINCE other men . . . and to imprison them inside their circle of authority.

    So true!

  • objectivetruth

    The Bible does contain Mans words as opposed to Gods. This is not because God didn't inspire the Bible.

    The Bible was written in Ancient Hebrew, which is a superior language tI any Language that exists today,including modern Hebrew.

    So when Ancient Hebrew is translated over and over to the progressive Hebrew Forms, then it is Translayes to Greek & Then English it is destined to be flawed.

    Add to that different Creeds translating to match their doctrine.. And you have a product that is Now Mans Word.

    This doesn't matter though.. All that is needed for Salvation is found in the Lessons of the Sermon on the Mount.

    We would be fine without the Bible all together,since truth is built into our Hearts , and Jesus Gave All MEN Life.

  • Terry

    The Bible was written in Ancient Hebrew, which is a superior language to any Language that exists today,including modern Hebrew.

    I'd be interested in having you elucidate that statment. How do you explain the use of your word "superior?"

    Superior in what way?

    Thank you.

    From about 323 B.C.E. when Alexander conquered the (known) world--Greek was considered a more "logical" language because it had been used in the study and discussion of Geometry, Astronomy, Mathematics, and Philosophy (Aristotle gave us and his pupil Alexander, Logic.)

    The Hebrew people as a whole, abandoned the use of Ancient Hebrew for the more popular Koine, Greek.

    This made the translation from Hebrew into the Septuagint necessary.

    The Greek Bible was the one used by the Apostles and Disciples most likely.

    When I go to a reference on Ancient Biblical Hebrew I find the following facts:

    Of the 419,687 words in the Hebrew Old Testament text. 8,679 are unique in composing the total usage.

    There are 138,162 words in the Greek New Testament.

    The number of words in the English language is: 1,025,109 This is the estimate by the Global Language Monitor on January 1, 2014.

  • hamsterbait

    Terry - the term for mobile phone in Hebrew is MIRACLe Horn.


  • objectivetruth

    The Hebrew alphabet was written with a script belonging to the Semitic family of languages. The Semitic script followed three basic stages of development, Early, Middle and Late.

    The Early Semitic script was pictographic, where each letter represented an object.

    The Middle Semitic script is an evolved form of the original pictographic script into a simpler form and used by the different Semitic groups including the Hebrews, Moabites, Ammonites, Arameans.

    The Aramaic script of the Arameans in Babylon evolved into the Late Semitic script independently from other Semitic scripts. When the Hebrew people were taken into Babylonian captivity, they adopted the Aramaic script and is still in use today.

    Around 1000 BCE, the Greeks adopted the Middle Semitic script, and began to evolve independently over the centuries to become the Greek script used today.

    While the Modern Hebrew alphabet consists of twenty-two letters, the evidence suggests that there were additional letters in the original Semitic and Hebrew alphabet. One of the ancient Semitic languages of Canaan was Ugarit. This ancient language is almost identical to the Hebrew language of the Bible but, instead of consisting of twenty-two letters it has twenty-eight letters. One of the major differences between Ugarit and Hebrew is the additional letter "ghah". Some Evidence, suggests that the letter "ghah" exists within the Hebrew text of the Bible.

    The strongest evidence of the missing ghah can be found in two different meanings of one Hebrew word. The Hebrew word ra’ can mean “friend” or “bad” .

    Some Additional dual meaning words, that have developed :








    The reason that I said that ancient Hebrew is Superior is..

    We usually associate two characteristics for each letter, a form and a sound, as in the first letter of our alphabet whose form is "A" and has the sound "a". The Ancient Hebrew alphabet has four characteristics: form, sound, name and meaning.


    The original letter is pictographic, meaning it represents a picture of something, such as the letter (can't paste letter) representing a mouth. The original form is determined by examining the archeological record of ancient Semitic inscriptions and other related scripts such as the South Arabian and Punic. The name of the letter will help to determine the original pictograph.


    Each pictograph is associated with a single syllable of two consonants. This syllable is also the name of the letter. The name of the letter (can't paste letter) is "p e h" and is also the Hebrew word for "mouth". The name is determined by comparing the various names of this letter as used in Semitic languages as well as other non Semitic languages that have adopted the Semitic alphabet.


    The mnemonic meaning of a pictograph is the extended meanings related to the pictograph. These mnemonic meanings most often are related to the pictograph by their function rather than appearance. For example, the letter (can't paste letter) has the extended mnemonic meanings, speak, blow and open, functions of the mouth.


    The first letter of the syllabic name provides a singular sound for the purpose of forming words and sentences. The phonetic value of the letter (can't paste letter) is therefore a "p". The original sound is determined by comparing the sound of the letter as used in other Semitic languages as well as non-Semitic languages that have adopted the Semitic alphabet.

    Beyond these 4 Charecteristics, there are additional methods of Interpreting the PROPER meaning and sense of a word, is by noting where the Word first appears in the NT.

    One example if the issue that has transpired even from Hebrew to English , is found in the English word "Teach"

    Teach as found in The KJV bible actually Represents 20 different Hebrew words, all with significantly different meanings.

  • objectivetruth

    My view on Hebrew & Greek - Hebrew = Good / Greek = Evil

    At some point in ecclesiastical history, someone snatched away the inceptive Hebraic blueprint by which Jesus’ movement was being constructed and replaced it with a non-Hebraic one. As a result, what has been built since is at best a caricature of what was intended. In many respects, it is downright contrary and antagonistic to the spirit of the original believing community.

    one of the most fundamental differences between the Greek mind and the Hebrew mind is found in the area of knowing vs. doing. The Greek culture and language are consumed with "knowledge" where as the Hebrew culture was about common sense and putting things into Practice. (knowing the intrinsic meaning of Love, Vs Loving.

    Right conduct is the ultimate concern of the Hebrew, right thinking that of the Greek. Duty and strictness of conscience are the paramount things in life for the Hebrew; for the Greek, the spontaneous and luminous play of the intelligence. The Hebrew thus extols the moral virtues as the substance and meaning of life; the Greek subordinates them to the intellectual virtues…the contrast is between practice and theory, between the moral man and the theoretical or intellectual man."

    This helps explain why so many Christian churches are focused on the issues of doctrinal orthodoxy (however they may define it) -- often at the expense of godly living. In many Christian circles, what one believes or espouses is treated as more important than how one lives – i.e. how one treats his or her neighbor.

  • lriddle80

    John 5: 39 You study[a] the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me, 40 yet you refuse to come to me to have life.

    Beautifully said, Jesus!

  • objectivetruth

    Great Application - iriddle

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