Amazing Experience while in the Door to Door field service.. The work really is speeding up.

by objectivetruth 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • objectivetruth

    A pioneer sister who just returned from Pioneer school, and her Elder Husband, who was previously in Bethel are in service.

    When they come to an enthusiastic house holder. After discussing the glorious messianic kingdom that has been ruling since 1914,err 1919 the House Holder says "Ok this really is GOOD NEWS, what must I do to be Saved??"

    Brother Elder and Sister Pioneer Elder both look at each other, and they know right away the best answer... Sister Pioneer reaches into her bag pulling out her KM Approved preaching tablet device (She waves it around a. BIt, with the purpose of impressing the householder how advanced the WT is), she then says I want to show you our website, JW . 0rg ..

    If you visit this site after we leave you will learn what you need to be saved.. The house holder says ... "There is a body of water over there, what prevents me from getting baptized now" Brother Elder chuckles, and says... " that's an interesting view point a lot of people feel that way" just please view that site, and well return in 1 week.

    After the house holder diligently searches the Website he knows what he needs to do in order to Gain Salvation..

    It's quite simple and straight forward.. This is what he figures out, and proceeds to tell his family.

    Salvation depends, on Gods Undeserved Kindness, and because of this we can't do anything to Gain Salvation. In order to Gain Salvation we must call on Gods Name in Faith. So since Salvation Depends on Calling on Gods name in faith,Salvation Depends on Gods Undeserved kindness, and it primarily depends on mainly our faith in Christ Ransom Sacrifice, Salvation doesn't depend on works of the Law but we CANNOT forget that our Salvation Depends on our active support of christs anointed brothers still on earth, also our Salvation depends on people understanding gods word and following it, in order to receive Salvation we must also have a good conscience and turning away from Bad and Complying with what god requires.. We must remember that there is nothing we can do to gain salvation though as it relies on Gods Undeserved Kindness, but we should remember that our salvation depends on remaining in union with Christ and producing good spiritual fruit. So essentially our Salvation Does "primarily" depend on our faith in Christ Ransom sacrifice, and we need to remember that Our very salvation depends on our “walking in the truth”— adhering to it and standing firm against “the father of the lie.

    1 - Search — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY The other sheep should never forget that their salvation depends on their active support of Christ's anointed “brothers” still on earth.

    They Keep On Walking in the Truth — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY (Galatians 2:14) God lets “an operation of error” go to those preferring falsehood, but salvation depends on having faith in the good news and walking in the truth ...

    “Watch Out for the Leaven of the Pharisees” — Watchtower ONLINE ... Do I recognize that I am a sinner and that my salvation depends on Jehovah's undeserved kindness? Or do I view long years of faithful service, privileges in

    The Divine Name and Alfonso de Zamora's Quest for Textual Accuracy As Zamora realized, salvation depends on people's understanding God's Word and following it. (John 17:3) That, in turn, requires translation of the Bible into ... Are You “Zealous for Fine Works”? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY Salvation depends on calling upon Jehovah's name in faith, but people will not do that unless we preach to them. Realizing this should motivate us to remain ...

    Highlights From the Letters to the Galatians, the Ephesians, the ... Salvation depends , he reasons, not on the requirements of the Law, but on ' continuing in the faith.' Paul encourages the Colossians to “go on walking in union ...

    8 - Search — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY And all of us need to remember that our salvation depends mainly on our faith in Christ's ransom sacrifice. ws13 9/15 pp. 9-14 - The Watchtower (Simplified)— ...

    “Take Care of This Vine”! — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY (John 15:5, 8) Jesus' illustration of the true vine reminds us that salvation depends on our remaining in union with Christ and producing good spiritual fruitage.

    Highlights From the Book of Ezekiel—II — Watchtower ONLINE ... Our salvation depends on our turning away from bad ways and complying with what God requires. Indeed, Jehovah's way is “adjusted right.” 36:20, 21. Because ...

    Do Not Allow Place for the Devil — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY (Galatians 2:5, 14) Our very salvation depends on our “walking in the truth”— adhering to it and standing firm against “the father of the lie.”—3 John 3, 4, 8.

    2/1 Are You Living Up to Your Dedication? - Watchtower ONLINE ... In any case, our salvation depends , not on anything we might do, but on Jehovah's undeserved kindness through Christ Jesus, our Lord. Paul clearly explained: ...

    Keep Yourself in God's Love! — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY Our salvation depends on our having a clean conscience. (1 Peter 3:21) Through our faith in Jesus' shed blood, our conscience has been cleansed from dead ...

  • sparrowdown

    Who would have thought by the year 2014 salvation would only be a mouse click away.

    Followed by

    6-12months of bible study

    meeting attendance

    qualifying to be unbaptised publisher

    commenting at meetings

    cleaning up your act ( no more homo loving tight pants) and put on a suit for goodness sake.

    learn the "pure language" (no more swearing)

    legalise your marriage

    quit smoking

    quit your great full time job to put kingdom interests first (if you really want to fast track your progress)

    burn your holiday decorations

    limit association with unbelieving relatives

    throw away all demonic DVDs, CDs, books and that statue you bought in Bali.

    Finally you may sit down with three different elders and if you answer all their questions correctly

    Then they might consider allowing you to be baptised....or not.

    Salvation is soooo easy.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Sparrowdown ... That was a great summation!

    LL (not Bean)

  • EndofMysteries

    According to the GB salvation depends on...(I'll leave it to you all to pull up the articles)

    - Using only 1 paper towel while using the restroom at the circuit and district conventions

    - Being on time and a few minutes early for everything in life

    - Not having the music volume too loud at your wedding

    - Staying at an overpriced hotel 1 to 2 hours away from the district convention site because it's on the list when there is a nice affordable hotel across the street available that is not on the list.

    - Being 'in the truth'

    - Knowing that 'the truth' merely means preaching and going to meetings twice a week and conventions telling you how important it is to be in the truth and telling others about the truth so they can spread the truth.

    - "The Truth" is in simple terms obeying the GB, singing their praises, and going in service to tell others to obey them and do the same.

    - Knowing that you can't understand the bible and if you have a different undering from the GB then it means demons are influencing you. If the GB undertanding of the bible is incorrect that is human imperfection. THey are not inspired but they are spirit directed which means anything they say is from God but even though it's always been wrong that is human imperfection but they are still spirited directed even though not inspired.

  • Laika

    I'm not sure that was a real field service experience but anyway, that was a great post objectivetruth.

  • steve2

    A mouse will lead you to the rats. Who'd have thought?

  • exWTslave

    I really enjoyed your dynamism in playing a musical note with those two irreconcilable concepts—undeserved kindness and works!

    kudos to you.

  • punkofnice

    I used to enjoy the 'experiences' at the conventions as it gave me a high feelgood factor.

    I did find however, that unless you were in the 'clique' then no matter how outstanding your experience was it was never enough.

    I remember our family called on a family that had been praying for someone to call, then the car in our car party broke down so we went around the territory where we broke down. (Funnily enough the car was repaired roadside at no cost which added to the 'miracle' value of the experience). This was quite far from our destination and in those days wasn't worked very much. Anyway, a study was started with an african-american family who were over here in the UK at a USAF base here. You see we Brits are bladdy hospitable. This was so long ago I think it may even have been pre 'truth book'.

    I wonder what happened to that family? They went back to Arizona. Nice folk, the Dad gave me a U.S. cent as a momento. I kept it for years before it got lost in house moves and such.

    My point is that whenever I related this experience it was often met with indifference. I later realised this was because the elders or CO's were just plain jealous it didn't happen to them! So it goes, so it goes!

  • NeverKnew


    Love it. :)

  • KateWild

    Knowing that you can't understand the bible and if you have a different undering from the GB then it means demons are influencing you. If the GB undertanding of the bible is incorrect that is human imperfection. THey are not inspired but they are spirit directed which means anything they say is from God but even though it's always been wrong that is human imperfection but they are still spirited directed even though not inspired.-EoM

    LOL!! Excellent circular reasoning well done.

    Kate xx

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