But never gave it to the elders or anyone in the congregation?
Did you ever write your disassociation letter?
by make yourself 38 Replies latest jw experiences
I wrote mine... I held on to it for a few days. Then I gathered together the balls to give it to them because I was tired of living the lie.
However, the few minutes leading up to that moment were very stressful. The relief after it was given to them was amazing
make yourself
What exactly happened after you gave it to them? Did they want to talk to you?
I don't play their game
No pearls before swine
Pete Zahut
They changed a lot of the key doctrines that were supposed to be the TRUTH afterI was baptized which made null and void the terms under which I becane a dedicated member. I don't owe them any explaination....especially when doing so would be giving them even more sway over my life than I had already been misled into giving them.
Separation of Powers
Several times. One version was long winded with scripture and verse, excerpts of old magazines and publications. It took days to write. Others are short, some just several lines. I must admit the long version was cathartic in that it convinced me that this was not the TRUTH as it purported to being. I realized, later of course, that absolutely no one was going to read it with any real seriousness. They would simply look for the expression of "disassociation," highlight it, put it in a file or scan it, then send a letter to the BOE and tell them to give a talk about the "dangers" of independent thinking, apostate material on the internet, and grumbling about Jehovah's appointed channel.
The Searcher
After I became an unbaptized publisher, the Elder with whom I was studying brought the visiting C.O. to my home.
The only words of the C.O. which stuck in my mind are these - "Searcher, if you show someone three Scriptures as proof of something and they don't accept it, then they are not going to accept several more Scriptures - don't waste any more time on them."
Likewise with Witnesses; even though you show them a Bible truth in black and white in their own Bibles - MOST will reject it it and wriggle & squirm to justify their default position. It is genuinely sad, because as Floyd sang, they are "Comfortably numb" in their "spiritual paradise". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7EpSirtf_E
I'm with Blondie. Why should I play by THEIR rules? Besides, let THEM kick me out. Let THEM take action.
"What exactly happened after you gave it to them? Did they want to talk to you?"
They waited about 3 weeks to contact me. Then I recieved a letter in the mail that said to "please sign here". I forgot to sign it. I didn't sign it so they sent another letter. All the while there was very little contact and they would not even contact my wife. Then after a number of months they just read me out as DF'ed and t was over.
My worst mistake was not simply signing the letter in the first place so that I could have gotten them out of my hair.
When you play the game of fading they still will try to contact you, annoy your family and this adds extra stress. If you are sure you no longer want to be linked to the organization why play games and fade. When you are ready to leave just leave and get on with your life. Not that I am knocking anyones decisions here, but it is like any organization that you are truly ashamed to be a part of. What would you do?
1. You would let them know that based on their deplorable actions you no longer want to be a part of that group.
2, You then write a letter telling them so that it is official and no one can claim you are still a member.
That process is common in the professional world and anywhere else, so you arent playing anyones game. You are moving on eith your life and letting no mistake be made that you are not linked to those people anymore. I know alot of people here, feel that writing a letter is somehow playing a game or playing by their rules , however I would feel the opposite. If I was a registered member of the KKK and decided I no longer wanted to be would I just stop going or make it more than apparent via cdocumented proof that I was no longer apart of that group.
Ultimately your choice, one thing I can say is that after it was over - there was no better feeling in the world.
Best of luck
make yourself
Play by their rules? I'm still a little confused about how this process works. It seems like you would just give the elder the letter then leave and never have to come back or deal with them again.