I am at present in the same position as OTWO, and don't see any reason to change.
I do think it may be forced upon us though, with the new directive from the G.B that two Elders call upon those who once attended the K.H, and I believe this is to happen every C.O's visit, and the Elders will report to him that it has been done. (I am looking forward to my visit when it happens LOL).
At some point this harassment will result in us revealing too much of our real position, or simply telling the Elder twits to piss off, either of which could result in a forced DA.
If you feel you can D.A now, or soon, I think that is the best course, but not for all of us of course, we must make up our own mind what is best for us.
I do think the snidey G.B are trying to either get us back, or force the issue of our D.A by this campaign.
At least we can have some fun with it when they call, whatever the eventual outcome.